I would like to know if i should stop using nutrients on my plant

what nutrients are you using and what are you 2 months into what flowering or veg and flowering together.. No offense your plant is very small..what kind of light are you using how long is it on


Well-Known Member

When you spend $30 on your entire grow op, that's what you get. :) Ditch the incandescent light bulbs for CFL's and you'll get a lot more out of it for less power (and the right spectrum). A regular light bulb will not do really anything for you (neither will an Aerogarden of course).

If you get a quarter ounce you'd be doing good for that setup. (Total).


Well-Known Member
i agree the plant is nowhere near done, definatly ditch the regular light bulbs and go with the curly day light CFLS. and idk but the areogarden doesnt seem too bad to me, aero growing is some of the best and fastest growth you can get! as long as you dial it in w good nutes and have good genitcs and lights and that is. good luck!


Well-Known Member
the lights are halogen and its 72w plus that pic is old
Halogens are no better. Its not even the right spectrum of light for plant growth.

Also, to whoever said that aerogardens produce some of the best buds -- that's why everyone uses them eh? =P (Not).

For the money wasted on an Aerogarden you could use a bucket and dirt with a 150w HPS self enclosed unit and get 5x the yield and quality. If you want some basil or oregano, this is a nice setup.


Active Member
have you been picking leaves off the plant or something? i see a lot of nodes with no foliage. the plant needs those leaves to grow. with no leaves it can't take in the light the plant needs to grow. i've never grown in an aerogarden but that plant looks bad to be that old. do yourself a favor and buy some 42watt cfl's and some soil if your on a small budget. you'll do alot better imho.


Well-Known Member
I didnt even notice the light source. I was wondering why the plants so small, good job for a halogen/incandesent grow though cuz those things are next to worthless. most of the energy they use is put out as heat, only a small part is emmitted as light. Since the light is so weak you would need to have it very close for it to actually do ok, but since it puts out so much heat if you have it close enough to get the lights it cooks the plant. I would switch to cfls asap.


Well-Known Member
yeah didnt mean aerogardens brand were the best i was actually speaking of areoponics in gereral. Arent the aero gardens based of the same aeroponics princible?? roots being sprayed one way or another?


Well-Known Member
your plant makes the baby jeebus cry.

add more light that is actually good for plant growth. Get said light closer to charlie brown's pot plant.

(actually charlie brown's xmas tree is a tad more robust than your pot plant)

Don't sweat it though...mistakes are learning experiences.


Well-Known Member
wow..stop cutting ur leaves and read up on how to and what to feed your plant..to me it looks like ur feeding it veg nutrients still but its in flower


Well-Known Member
if you are flowering anything over 20 watts thats the warm 2700k. in veg you want over 20 watts of 6500k. put atleast more than three around your plant for whatever stage you are in.


Well-Known Member
i'd get 42w or 65w cfls. for veg 1 red spectrum for every 2 blue spectrum(so if you use 3 bulbs, 2 blue and 1 red for example) and in flower 1 blue spectrum for every 2 red spectrums. In the future dont cut off leaves, it only hurts the plant.