I would like your opinions on soil nutes


Active Member
By the way what do you think of cutting edge. Im down to either cutting edge or AN. Pretty torn between the two


Active Member
Well my advatar is from my last grow (correction the bio bizz grow was 3 grows ago) but Ill post some pics of my last grow. I just harvested last night. Had some nute lock out on this last one so had some leaf burn but all in all it went well. Give me 5 mins and Ill have pics up


Well-Known Member
sweet..thats a sick ass set up.way better then mine..im just doing a closet grow but ill probably take em out n devote the whole room to them when they grow up


Active Member
yes some got LST'd I guess guess you could say. I just train them as they grow. If a branch is kinda tucked up under another I tie it out. And thx for the comments brotha!


Well-Known Member
Wow! thank you everyone for your responses! I wasnt expecting so much feedback. As far as my setup. Im running three 600's in a 10x10. Only utilizing half the room though. My next grow will be a scrog. I have bud blood already from AN and bud candy as well. But like mentioned previously, AN is more of a hydro line so I was kinda sketchy on that. There soil line is organic as well.

DaveCoulier- I used biobizz 2 grows ago and HATED it. Thanks for keeping the good word though.

I was also looking into cutting edge as it says you can use it for hydro or soil. Have heard that its low in salt build up and has PH buffers. Would be nice to use with some AN additives. Thanks again for all your help guys thats awesome.
Glad Im not the only one that doesn't like Bio-Bizz. I was using it in a medium that was low on nutes. Peat moss/perlite/20% compost. It'll probably perform fine with FFOF or their own All-Mix, but if you do that, then its just the soil feeding the plant really. I want a nute that can do its job right when the soil doesn't supply enough nutes.

What medium were you using it with?

Now, Ive got to figure out what to do with it. Im still using the Alg-A-Mic, but the Grow, and Bloom formula are just sitting there. Maybe Ill give it to my dad and have him go beyond the recomended dosage.

Check out this thread, it has FF vs AN vs CE:



Well-Known Member
Was wondering if someone could help me out ... I have never used advanced ferts.
For my next grow (in soil) i am unsure on what fertilizers to get to maintain healthy, big budded plants.
If anyone orders from growell.co.uk could you please tell me what would be good to use for grow (veg) and bloom.
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
thank you again for your replys. I ended up picking up cutting edge base nutrients, but will be using a few Advanced Nutrients additives.

The2timEr- email advanced nutrients. I did it and they were very helpful. It may take a day to get back to you but let them know what your growing with and what your looking to accomplish and they will tell you what you need. Other than that I would recommend coinossieur A and B as a base nutrient from AN.

I just got back from oakland dispensary and got there new book on all the new strains available. If anyone has questions hit me up. Thanks again everyone for your help I shall start a journal for this one and will post the link in a couple days.