I Wrote This Letter to My State's Governor

posted this on 420chan, but of course not everyone on here lurks there.

Bob McDonnell is the republican governor of VA

Mr. McDonnell,

I am a 19 year old college freshman currently attending Northern Virginia Community College. Because of a recent relocation with my single mother, we are having to pay out of state tuition. I am going to school full time, currently holding a 3.75 gpa, and am involved in the local Phi Theta Kappa chapter. If I graduate in four years, I will be my mother's only son to graduate, as well as the only other person in my family to graduate aside from my mom.

I spend nearly all of my free time volunteering and am currently looking to hold at least one full time job and one part time job.

With all of that said, I'd like to speak briefly about my current situation.

I will be going to court in April to plead guilty to a 'possession of marijuana' charge. For being caught with less than a gram of cannabis, I expect to pay a $500 fine as well as court fees. If I wish to have the charge expunged (a misleading notion, as there are still ways for it to show up on my record) I will be completing approximately 24 hours of community service, 6 months of probation (plus paying whatever fees are involved), and 6 months of a suspended license (which will probably affect my insurance).

I am pleading guilty because I admit that what I did was illegal, regardless of my opinion on the law. I will accept the consequences and will continue unfazed in my determination to become successful in life while making my mother proud.

I do not ask for your sympathy, nor am I requesting any legal help. I simply wish to show you how these archaic drug laws are affecting thousands of hard working Americans every month.

If you are satisfied with the current drug policy, I hope that you will be kind enough to give me your thought out opinion.

Thank you for your time,

******* *. ********


Active Member
i agree this is what more people should do...im also looking forward to any reply from him then ill send my own letter i just feel as tho there wouldnt be any meaningful response other than a im sorry you feel that way bs


New Member
We need more people like you! I hope all goes well in court... if i lived near you, i would help you with the community service.


Well-Known Member
Good job on your letter.

My governor is an old stoner that used to burn herb to offset the steroids. He already knows the issues, but seems afraid to buck the feds, too much. I hope you don't get caught up in the loss of federal loans that can happen with a drug violation.


Well-Known Member
Good letter. It's VG. but, do those guys actually get normal mail and then read it? I'd imagine a horse's ass load of mail every day and there is noway the Gov will recline on his leather armchair next to a few smoking doobies of kush, reading people's letters. But then again, america is a special place where big dreams come true... Good luck


I know where your coming from man, i got busted too last year around this same time
with a 1/2 gram down here in Miami. I can tell you that was the most expensive
blunt i ever smoked, I had to go to this stupid class were literally we all talked about how
much we love to smoke pot, and I had to pay $450 dollars in court fees. That day felt like the
worst day of my life, I felt like a criminal i felt as if no employer would ever take me seriously
and it would be very difficult to find a job.. but you know time cures anything and time did pass.
I just think its really sad how the government can just make one plant out of the hundreds of thousands
of plant species out there illegal. its just a plant! Its like telling someone sorry you cant plant tomatoes they
are too delicious, its ridiculous.