Ice Bomb leaves yellowing/browning, help!

As the title suggests, I'm having an issue with one plant, Ice Bomb. I'll just jump into it

1) Pictures are attached, both with lights on and off and taken minutes ago.
2) Growing indoors with seven other plants. 6 autos and two photo periods. All feminized
3)Using full line of Earth Juice with hygrozyme and hi-brix, watering schedule right now is feed one week, water the other basically. Orca Liquid Mycorhizzae and cal-mag (used once at 2ml/gallon when issues showed up)
4) Fox Farm Ocean Forest, Ice bomb is in a 5gal oxypot with Earth and Grow probes inserted
5) She just turn two weeks today from sprout
6) I did FIM both my photo period plants, of which Ice Bomb is included, but I believe the browning started prior to that
7) Using a 1200watt LED grow light, currently 24" from canopy and maintaining 74-80 at canopy level
8) Have two naturally-producing C02 bags in the tent, several fans, two exhausts and humidifier that keeps it about 65-70% RH and digital environmental controller
9) Soil PH is currently about 6.8-7
10) I have used Dutchmaster liquid light and saturator at a very weak mix at about week 1, but haven't since. Issue did appear shortly after, but seems like it's spreading from bottom up.

Uhhh, if I missed anything, please ask! Please help!!

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Well-Known Member
you probably don't need to add more fert with ffof. at least not for several weeks anyway. it looks like over fert.
you probably don't need to add more fert with ffof. at least not for several weeks anyway. it looks like over fert.
Have only fed once with a very weak mix and watered once, as well. Really think it looks overfed? This is my first run with organic nutes, but i was under the impression that it was difficult to overfed with organics

Josch Edgington

Active Member
Have only fed once with a very weak mix and watered once, as well. Really think it looks overfed? This is my first run with organic nutes, but i was under the impression that it was difficult to overfed with organics
The Ocean Forest is a very rich soil it can sustain a plant for several weeks with just properly PHed water.
Update in my garden: It does seem that the issue with Ice Bomb have abated, but now I've run into something new. In this current grow, I have my two photoperiod plants in 5 gal pots and six autos in 2 gal. Last night, I noticed a browning spot on one of the autos (Northern Lights X Big Bud), but it was also at that moment that I noticed small bugs in my two large pots. I assumed all the pots were infested, so I did a root drench with two gallons across all eight with a mixture of GoGnats and SM90 (3ml per gallon) and then did a Foliar spray with sm90 on all plants last night. I went to check them this morning and while I'm not seeing any bug activity currently, I did notice that the browning on the plants got worse and spread to a couple other plants.

They've mostly been getting water, think I've fed them once and watered 3-5 times.

My question, does this damage look bug-related, SM90-related (it did get worse post-spray/drench) or does it actually look nutrient-related? Please helppp! Cheers in advance! Pictures are of the 3-4 autos that seem to be afflicted (also some very slight damage to my Berry Bomb photoperiod lady)
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