Ice Strain Grow

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Looking good. Be careful because I read and found out first hand that Ice strain can be more demanding for Nitrogen. Its the mistake that I made and now that I am giving them a little heaver nitrogen feed they seem to love it.


Well-Known Member
my tell tale sign will be yellowing at tips or something among those lines, right????? Ive i see this, ill finely-tune my nute use to where it receives more nitrogen.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
my tell tale sign will be yellowing at tips or something among those lines, right????? Ive i see this, ill finely-tune my nute use to where it receives more nitrogen.
Well because I was feeding mine lightly the while leaf will change a different color then to yellow if it isn't fixed. I've been using a product called insta green witch is a 3-0-0 liquid nute and I use either B-1 Thrive, Super B+, 20-20-20 or some other thing depending how they are doing. So far the whole Insta green and some B-1 Thrive or Super B+ is working perfectly.


Well-Known Member
i have some b-1 thrive. If this occurs, ill put that to use. I havent cut or timmed a single thing on this plant. letting nature do its thing. i think i can tell the bud sites almost. will be a week as of tomorrow. Another week or so and i should be seeing wonderful buds forming if it is in fact female. Which two pair of calyx/pistols ive found for sure on it already. 100 percent on those two, no balls have popped anywhere. ive kept a close watch for that. Need to find my microscope come closer to harvest time. Cant wait to put it to use.


Well-Known Member
they rlly do! I did my own custom LST method i had up my sleeve :), its gonna go great. Thats why mine is SOOO bushy.Gotta go get my other lights soon. Might do an LED from ebay, or some cfls from a hardware store. What do u guys think???????????????????????Because i know thru the next few weeks to get good bud production ill need the best lighting possible.


Well-Known Member
updating this thread soon. Buds are starting to form. Really really cool to see this take place. It just looks like a cluster of white-ish green-ish hairs forming at ALL of the tops. Ive counted 12 different bud sits on this joker.........Wow is all i have to say. its really taking off. seems every night it grows so much. Cause when my light cycle turn back on and i look at her, im like "WHOA!"


Well-Known Member
i think she might be trying to produce pollen sacs. one of these pics will show a good up close look. still has calyx's everywhere and buds are EVERYWHERE now. Every1 pls cross your fingers with me. I wanted my first grow to have no male properties :(. whats the worst its gonna do, cause my yield to be lower?? full of seeds? drastic drop in potency??? :( :( :(possible hermie 008.jpgpossible hermie 007.jpgpossible hermie 014.jpgpossible hermie 001.jpgpossible hermie 006.jpgpossible hermie 009.jpgpossible hermie 004.jpgpossible hermie 010.jpgpossible hermie 013.jpgpossible hermie 005.jpgpossible hermie 012.jpgpossible hermie 003.jpgpossible hermie 011.jpgpossible hermie 002.jpg

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
I hope you don't have a male but if you do it will give you a seed crop witch will suck if your not trying to do it.


Well-Known Member
its budded all over and has tons of calyx everywhere. but as of yesterday i noticed a few spots that actually had pollen sacks. picked them immediately. Sat there and did it FOREVER till i couldnt find anymore.Gonna do the same as soon as the lights switch back on for sure. And everyday i find em, ima pick the hell out of em for however long it takes :P. Devotion.


Well-Known Member
picked a few more today. talked to a close friend that is a medical grower himself. And he said his did the same but now he has huge, beautiful buds everywhere.He's accustomed to pruning tho.


Well-Known Member
not the best , but things have been okay. Fiending to smoke basically haha. But yeah, you guys let me know that this is male for sure before i make hash or cannabutter out of it please?????Male 004.jpgMale 001.jpgMale 002.jpgMale 003.jpg


I was going to say that photo 7 on the last page looked like male flowers to me, but now you know. You should make some seeds on a bud or two!


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the male, looking good otherwise. :)
my first grow was ICE as well. One plant Gabe me close to 12 oz dry. Hydro tho, not soil. Check it out in my threads. Now have 5 total going in my new grow, all ice. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the male, looking good otherwise. :)
my first grow was ICE as well. One plant Gabe me close to 12 oz dry. Hydro tho, not soil. Check it out in my threads. Now have 5 total going in my new grow, all ice. :peace:
could grow hydro if i just had rockwool cubes, or at least one, and hydroton/geolite. That stuff isnt sold anywhere near here. I need to find alternative because i have air pumps galore, a great water pump, my bubbleponic resorvois, and all the nutes i could ever need. Just need a ppm meter now (even tho the water here is next to perfect...)Ive gotta worry about salt deposit or whatever from the nutes. So i need it.


Well-Known Member
could grow hydro if i just had rockwool cubes, or at least one, and hydroton/geolite. That stuff isnt sold anywhere near here. I need to find alternative because i have air pumps galore, a great water pump, my bubbleponic resorvois, and all the nutes i could ever need. Just need a ppm meter now (even tho the water here is next to perfect...)Ive gotta worry about salt deposit or whatever from the nutes. So i need it.
only thing i dont have is a PPM meter. never even seen one or what they look like. ;) i dont have a hydro shop anywhere within 5 hours of me. i order my stuff online.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Sorry to say but you have a boy but on the plus side you can save the pollen sacks if you wanna use him to breed with.