ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

Wow took 9 fucking hours to read every thing but it was worth it. Thanks for all the great info. Have been wanting to get away from BHO but my bubble hash sucked in comparison. Now I know what to do IWE. Lots of love to Matt Rize. I will be moving to northern cali in a few months and will have to find your IWE, after looking at it this long its all I can think about. Thank you for sharing, your my kind of person.
almost seems like a waste of time to winterize full melt, tho i would winterize everything else.

meh, when you got more hash than you know what to do with... they had so much hash that it wasnt even possible to smoke it all before the next crop was done and ready to have the trim turned into fresh hash!! and I dont know if this could be called 100% full melt... pretty damn close though.

just curious, how is it a waste?? the yield was like 60%, and the only stuff left in the filter I assume was plant material or trics or something and other stuff that wouldnt get you high if you smoked it?? it looked like cork when it was dry... finest powder ive ever seen in the weed world.

it wasnt the winterizing part we were aiming for... more so turning hash into an oil, with time in the freezer in between just for the hell of it. I cant even remember how much, if any plant waxes there were.
waste of time lol fullmelt has minimal matter. but i can see the why, turning it into oil instead of bubble. i know if i had that room, i would do the same thing just to experiment!
Hey guys I tried making bubble for the second time after doing a second ice wash I noticed the buds (I used 14g small popcorn sized nugs that were covered in trichs and no trim) were still sticky as hell and under the scope I saw lots of trichs. I stirred with a large metal spoon for about 10-15 mins with a few breaks to rest my arm. Is this not long enough? I froze the bud got a mixer and rewashed it today but only got half of what I got yesterday and only the 25 and 75 had anything in it. Can anyone help me as to why my yeild is so small for premium nugs. At worst I expected 10% but seems I got 2%.
hard to say what happened to your bubble, did u grow it or get it somewhere? maybe the heads were gone? i would expect at least a gram back but split between bags.
Hey guys I tried making bubble for the second time after doing a second ice wash I noticed the buds (I used 14g small popcorn sized nugs that were covered in trichs and no trim) were still sticky as hell and under the scope I saw lots of trichs. I stirred with a large metal spoon for about 10-15 mins with a few breaks to rest my arm. Is this not long enough? I froze the bud got a mixer and rewashed it today but only got half of what I got yesterday and only the 25 and 75 had anything in it. Can anyone help me as to why my yeild is so small for premium nugs. At worst I expected 10% but seems I got 2%.

not enough material..imo
you forgot to microplane it? unless you gonna make

well i went to the depot and those doofus' didn't even know what i was talking about and tried to sell me a hand now they are in separate jars i didn't see any info on cure however, did not read the complete thread. then they tried to tell me it comes in sets..can't i plane it still?
you can i imagine. but quality is already suffering as we speak. did you dry it already? where is it stored at?

yes, it's dry and in separate jars with a boveda pack inside..this is my first try and I had a few disconnects since reading the threads first few pages only.

why do you want to plane it? why is it already suffering? i can still smoke, no? i bought captain morgan spiced rum 100 for tincture..Matt suggests 2 oz of bud to 1 pint in the beginning of the thread..can i/should i use some of the hash? how much? what do i do with the 120-190 which is really no weight?

halp me, halp me!!:smile:
oh yea if its dried is def smokable. i should test it for you though just in case! micro planing it helps dry faster so to minimize oxidation and preserve it the best way possible...i like the 120 usually but you should use the higher up than 120 for food n tincs. could even throw in the lowers then 73 if you want, some people do.
Its for cooking, not working on a house lol. Its a zester for fruit skin or parm cheese. use 151 or everclear.

Didn't Matt say Lowes? So i can get from Bed, Bath & Beyond?

yeah, I'll go back to liquor store and pick up some 151.. I thought 100 proof would be enough
oh yea if its dried is def smokable. i should test it for you though just in case! micro planing it helps dry faster so to minimize oxidation and preserve it the best way possible...i like the 120 usually but you should use the higher up than 120 for food n tincs. could even throw in the lowers then 73 if you want, some people do.

my 120 was instead of 2 ounces of weed how many grams of hash? also, how come this has isn't crumbly..must be a different kind?