ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

here I think this meets matt rize standards

partially pocket cured 73 micron Lush (Lemmon Larry Og x Old School Og x Chem D F3)
Should I try IWE on my Malawi?

full 73 yeild after some good pocket-curing!

not sure how to explain some of the color changing there, I guess its just the strain eh? either way its fuckin dank. the lighter areas powder up when manipulated oddly but its still full melt just like the rest not sure how to explain the color and consistency change maybe busted open trichome heads from scraping off the plate?
Hey Matt - Subcool said you got a machine just for making his IWE. May I ask which machine you got?
what do you guys think of the hash from the 90µ bag? is the 90µ bag necessary? I'm hearing mixed opinions on this.
what do you guys think of the hash from the 90µ bag? is the 90µ bag necessary? I'm hearing mixed opinions on this.
I always have used the 90 and 73 bags together (especially running strains for the first time) so that i can get a good read on the trichome head size. It really is my favorite bag, and if i had two equal piles of bubble, one 73 and one 90, i'd probably end up gravitating toward the 90. Although, it's nice combining the two and just running the 73 to get a nice pull of the cleanest hash and not having to deal with two separate bags of essentially the same quality. One less bag to clean as well.
I always have used the 90 and 73 bags together (especially running strains for the first time) so that i can get a good read on the trichome head size. It really is my favorite bag, and if i had two equal piles of bubble, one 73 and one 90, i'd probably end up gravitating toward the 90. Although, it's nice combining the two and just running the 73 to get a nice pull of the cleanest hash and not having to deal with two separate bags of essentially the same quality. One less bag to clean as well.

but over all its worth it? I like the idea of having the option to separate out the 90 just in case it has different properties
Matt Rize,
Willie the Wonder here, first off congrats on being a purest of cannabis sativa like myself, you and Kyle Kushman are family as far as im concerned. 'Mi casa e su casa' (My House, is your House). I respect everything you 2(Kyle as well) have been pushing for awhile now(Veganics) . I practice 100% OMRI 100% Vegan Gardening. Which is by far the hardest to find your complete nutrient system. I take a step further by Stop the use of Seaweed/kelp and Mycorrhizae or h202 5weeks before harvest. I Never use "Meals"(Bone, blood, feather, fish, etc) for they time release way to long which interrupts my "Flush" Which is probably more important than the growing it self. I use a 2week Flush as the final step in Bloom, Nothing but water anything added would be "Not Flushing"(molasses, "Grand final.", Humics, Enzymes, etc) . Along with this regardless the medium(soil, hydro, aero, coco,) i try to achieve the perfect PK's even though unknown to man the exact perfect NPK, i use a 1:2 ration of PK always, with N & K 2:1 in veg over P(2-1-2, 4-2-4, 6-3-6, you get the picture) However with Coco i "assume"(something i rarely ever do) coco releases 4-potassium over time when feeding so i reduce my Potassium by 4, "Assuming" coco will still release 4 potassium fixing my Pk's back to the right Ratio. I practive a method i call the "Tomato Method" inwhich i remover the first internode's leaf/bud sites in veg off in mid veg, then the Second week of bloom i repeat this and also remove Fan leaves that are blocking buds and which are no longer in need since the plant is no longer Growing in its "Growth" phase. this Gives full energy of the plant to the buds and not to keep growing. High B1 reduces shock(seaweed is my b1). Basically my method of feeding with nutrients is the purest of pure Veganic(100% Vegan and Organic).

Vegan = Vegan Nutrients which includes Synthetics.(Might as well be worst than synthetics)

Veganic = Vegan Organic Nutrients which include ONLY 100% Vegan and 100% Organic nutrients every bottle. Not some are vegan and some are organic, all bottles are both.

This is Pure Cannabis growing the way it is ment. There is no plant like cannabis so it requires very special feedings.
Fruits and veggies are also like cannabis and should be grown this same method to reduce human problems, anyone who denys this is a sinner against mankind.

If cannabis is being grown and harvested in 3months, would it be "proper" to feed it a 4month feeding nutrients?
How could you flush the plant clean of the potentially harmful Chemicals(all nutrients are chemicals)

a Bannana is just as harmful as arsenic if u increase the dose of a bannana. Lol...

This method of feeding provides the plants with a clean smooth smoke, with No Harshness which are hard on the Tongue, Mouth, Throat, Lungs, Roof of the mouth, and the body it self.

This growing is also applied to the most potent cannabis strain i know of, which is a Hometown legend that my Hometown grows. Which is a ultra Diesel smelling strains, far more diesely than any Sour D, ECSD, NYC D, D, Chemdawg, Ice, OG, Etc

Now thats Cannabis. 100%OMRI Veganic Diesel Fumed, potent, smooth, harshless, Product.

Hope this has taught you something even if its something small. It would be a honor to help the movement. Spread it to Kyle, and if you two need anything let me know, I and the Legends who created the strain might be willing to Help anonymously =]

If the U.S Government allowed marijuana to be smoked freely it couldn't hurt the user or the bystandard. 100%OMRI Veganic helps ensure this so the government can't complain, and nor can the clever cannabis cultivator who lives down the street.

The U.S. government could test marijuana that has been grown with synthetics(Harmful products typically containing MSG["Thats why im addicted, it ain't super potent, its 10%THC but can't get enough of it]) MSG is a chemical that makes people addicted to things like French Frys or Burgers.... Its also been claimed to make Americans Obese.

"You were probably wondering so here you go.":
10.00 Nitrex qt / 20.00 Natures Nectar Nitrogen
15.00 Dr Earth Liquid Seaweed Con. qt
10.00 Calplex qt
10.00 Humega qt
30.00 Pirahna
25.00 Pura Vida Bloom qt
14.00 2x 32oz Safer Brand 3-in-1 Fungicide, Miticide, Insecticide
5.00 Sea-90 1lb
10.00 Molasses
20.00 Mineral Matrix

*Seaweed can be changed with Thrive Alive b1, my prefered seaweed
*Nitrex may or may not be Vegan, if Not, Natures nectar Nitrogen is Vegan. Nitrex is half the price. Which means Nothing.
*The Veg is grown using Sea-90 seasalt, molasses, myco's, lil extra Nitrogen, and 1-1 PK with the Thrive Alive version. Expensivish/Cheap

No nutrient company has done what i have, if kyle is sponsered to make his own nutrient company, heres your basics and ill take my cut as any donation =P

100% Veganic, 100% Smokeable, 100% Not Harmful
"Cannabis the smoke of the future, and the smoke of the past"

PNW for the Win.
The Activist, The enthusiest, The Dankiest.
A 5 gallon? Those things spin pretty fast.

I thought you advocated a gentle mix to only get the pure melt. My first hash attempt was with dry ice and a coffee grinder - not gentle at all. The results while very nice to smoke were very green. Although I did use a 220 bag. Got sticky dust everywhere!


Learned so much since then from your thread (thank you). I am ready to give IWE a try.

Nice i was wondering if it was one of the small bubble magic machines my local grows r us has a little one thats been sittin there never used in the box for 200 bucks i was gonna buy it but wasnt sure which machines get good results like those one your youtube. Now i most likely have to buy it. One question tho Mr Rize is the process the same as with the small as the big like as far as run times. Like how long the machine is run and all that. I love tutorial movies have you at all thought about making one with the little bubble magic machine and subcools hash that way i can have it down.
Matt, this is Sub's michigan rep, scott. I've been a bubble nut for a long time now, and have been making really supreme ice hash as a result of my patience. I really want to take my ice hash to what i believe is the last and final step of supremeness. Which is your bubble. :-)
I've had the mixing down for years now, but i've searched your threads and cant seem to find what i'm looking for...
Sub mentioned something to me about the difference between what i do and you do is the drying process?
I believe i was told that you Grate it, with a cheese grater, and put it under a bunch of fans to remove all the moisture....Which gives it the oily caviar appearance.
Is this correct? and do you have a video?
Thanks and keep it up mr.
Matt, this is Sub's michigan rep, scott. I've been a bubble nut for a long time now, and have been making really supreme ice hash as a result of my patience. I really want to take my ice hash to what i believe is the last and final step of supremeness. Which is your bubble. :-)
I've had the mixing down for years now, but i've searched your threads and cant seem to find what i'm looking for...
Sub mentioned something to me about the difference between what i do and you do is the drying process?
I believe i was told that you Grate it, with a cheese grater, and put it under a bunch of fans to remove all the moisture....Which gives it the oily caviar appearance.
Is this correct? and do you have a video?
Thanks and keep it up mr.

not to speak for matt but I've studied his methods extensively.

he uses a Micro Plane to grind the chunks to a fine powder, I believe he lets the chunks dry as they are for a couple hours before he grates it so it powders out better.

I use a plastic card to grate my hash, its harder to do but its cheaper than a microplane and you can achieve the same results if your timing is right.

but to most it'd probably be easier to just buy a microplane and let it dry.

only other thing I remember was dry it in a cool room.
Is it Buds that he grinds up you know like the popcorn buds at the bottom and the larf or is it the sugar trim that gets grinded up when made into wax? I have heard people say that the hash made from buds like a whole plant grinded up and made into hash still isnt as good vs just the sugar trim. Is this true? My first few times i made bubble i used like 4 sativa plants that started throwing off nanners in week 7. I dried the plant grinded it up and bubbled the whole thing the 90 micron was really black and oily it was pretty good. But i wanna know is it possible to use a whole plant buds and all and make good full melt wax like matt does or just trim makes the bomb wax?