***Iced Grapefruit, Could Use Some Expert Advice***

So its my second grow I purchased some good seeds, Currently growing 1 iced grapefruit... Shes in 2 gallons of Fox Farm Ocean Forest using fox farm nutes following the schedule at 1/2 strength... Im currently in week 5 from sprout and noticed that the tips on some of the fan leaves are pointing down.. Wanna catch this early... if its nute burn should I flush or just lay off the nutes? Heres some more background:

I water her about every 5 days every other time i use nutes at 1/2 strength of the dose... Last time i used nutes was 5/25 but it was Grow Big and Big Bloom mixed because that is what the chart says to follow.. I kinda thought it was alot but figured i would trust the chart, then on 5/30 i watered with regular water and then today 6/2 noticed the tips were pointing down... here are some pics.... thank you in advance for any help...

Also you can check out the photo album here: https://www.rollitup.org/members/indoorman421-210090/albums/iced-grapefruit-x-line-12854/



Active Member
People are always having problems with nute burn using FF ocean forest. One thing subcool recommends to correct the shitty balance of nutrients is to mix in 1 part FF light warrior with every 2 parts of FF ocean forest to avoid the burn. (A lot of people also say that FFOF has gone to shit and is nothing compared to what it used to be) When did you start your feeding schedule? FFOF is supposed to have enough nutes for a month before you have to feed them
I started the feeding schedule the second week after sprout... Im sure this was too early now... should i flush her out or just continue to feed regular spring water and keep an eye on her...


Active Member
Its funny you say that fox farm ocean forest has changed. because i used it last year almost 40 bags of it over 2 months and i just bought some the other day and it defintley smells way different then it used to. hmmmmm


nice looking plants mate. i use foxfarm and have just sprouted iced grapefruit :) When these shity rescued plants are out of the grow room I will get a diary up. things are crowded in the 2ft wide x 2ft deep space at the min. Anyhows on the whole them plants of yours look very healthy really. pics 1 and 2 especially look fine. Pice 3 got a little bit of burn or even minor overwatering. Although the amount of time between watering makes that sound a bit unlikely. Ive never used the nutes you have but still I'd probly not totally flush her whatever problems shes having at the moment tho. Maybe give no nutes next time it watering/feeding day and then just lower the nutes to next to nothing per litre of water once after that. The soil should contain a good level of food anyhow, but yeh see how things look obviously man and possibly dont give nutes every watering . Its looking like its going well for you so far mate. There nice and green and upright! When are you going to flower them??

heres a black n white photo of the last grow using FF.:joint: good luck with the rest of the grow :mrgreen:


Thanks for the posts.. Yeah im definitely going to use just water for the next couple feedings... might do a half flush but not a full flush... im gonna flower them as soon as i get them 100% healthy again... I didnt wanna to flower them when their could be a problem... more pics coming soon...


bud bootlegger
i think that you got it pretty much figured out.. i use all the same things that you do, ffof and all of the the ff's nutes, and i usually don't feed tll they are about three or maybe four weeks old.. depending on how they are looking at the time... two weeks sounds a lil early to me to start a nute schedule.. i know that is what the ff's nutes say to do, but still..
i would just do what your planning and they should bounce back fairly quickly..


Well-Known Member
How did the Iced Grapefruit Yield an update would be nice i am really looking into this strain


Active Member
dude. there are several FF feeding scheduals/ make sure you are using the most up to date one. the one on their website not some shitty one the hydro shop gives you. I follow this to the T and never had an issue. My plants look smell and yeild amazing !!!