

Active Member
Hello My name is Icemakereventually,

I know absolutely nothing about anything and do have seeds...alot from my last....purchases.

I am looking to grow some as simply as possible in a about 24inX24in closet.

I need to know everything from planting, starting, growing, raising, sexing etc....

I will be searching the forums and would greatly would appreciate human response. Searching through information is hard when you have to read it over again 20 :eyesmoke:

Would appreciate pictures and advice. Thanks a million. Also I am only looking to make for my self and roomate.

Dont want to ge real technical just real s tone d....:bigjoint:

Thanks again.

Sincerely Yours,



Well-Known Member
You need to start by making a few choices. You say closet so I assume it is at least 6' if lower let us know.

Planting medium - definatly go with soil, you will want about 1 1/2 - 2 gallon pots. I use "Black Gold" Potting Soil type.

Lighting - A 150W High Presure Sodium, also called sodium or HPS, will do a 2x2 space perfect as long as you have the height. Alternatively you can use Compact Floresent Lights also called CFL's, not floresent tubes, if you need space savings.

Nutriants - There are many out there but you basicly have 2 choices Organic or Chemical. Personal preferance, cost, and local availability should influnce this choice.

Number of Plants - You can fit one to four plants in 4 square feet. One will take a little longer be bushier and may produce more. Four will take a little less time in vegitive stage be smaller and probably yeild less. Since this will be your first grow You should do four to increase your chances for sucess.

Hope this helps.

P.S. You dont want to worry about cloaning so just start 8-12 and keep the best 4.


Active Member
Appreciate the information so far. Yes I have a closet and it should have almost 5 feet usable height. (shelf in the way) I was thinking if i use CFL's any ideas on how many I would need and how i might affix them all into my closet? There is no light fixture in the closet so I will be running an extension cord.

My seeds have sprouted and will be planting them tomorrow...hoping to get some :joint: in the meantime lol.

Would peet pellets work to start with? Just curious. Do I need a fan and a humidifier? How tall do the plants get before you bud them or can bud them?

Would the small flouresant lights work that are 18'' long? Maybe i could buy several of those and mount them in the closet.

Do I need to use a specific type of CFL or will anyone do? And if I can use the small 18" flouresant lights how many?

About the HPS lights...Would one hanging from the coat rack work? I could raise and lower it then...

Also what about timing on the lights? How many hours on and off?

Last question..... When do i need to sex the plants and seperate the males? Once you harvest the female plants do they die or do they keep growing?

Thanks again everyone for your support. Still reading the forums.

Thanks especially to Widow maker for the great reference and also to 4:20 guy. :peace: :blsmoke:


you just asked so many questions by the time i got to the last one i forget them all.. sorry, too stoned, all that info is included in widow's guide.

go with hps if u can
if cfl get 42 watt soft whites alot of them
dont use floro tubbes
start with soil.
24hrs of light or 18 hours of light per day for vegetative growth
when they are 12 inches or so, 12 hours on 12 hrs off starts flowering cycle.

sorry for my typing im very stoned and im very sick at the moment



Active Member
Okay so i bought my setup after reading more and used a bunch of CFL's. I got the ones that take 27 watts but are supposedly equal to 100 watts. I have six hanging on a CFL chandalier i created. They seem to get hot to the touch to where i think the plant would burn. I thought you guys said the plants could touch them. Did i get the wrong size or something?

I also bought to 75Watt grow lights 48'' in length

If you go off the supposed packaging: I have 750 watts of light.

If you go off how much energy they output: i have 306 watts of light. Its so bright though its blinding when you open the door. lol

The closet seemed to be slightly warm but not hot due to the heat from the lights.

Thanks again. Any suggestions on making hash or how to? I read an article on several different ways but would appreciate suggestions. How can i make a bubble bag too? where do you get mesh? Thanks:shock: Still no smoke :cry:


Active Member
So far i have one plant over an inch tall. had some technical difficultys(stupidness planting the seed upside down) with the others. 2 more are taking a likeing to growing and I have sprouted one more plant for my extra pot. When i get a chance i will take some pictures and post them.

Cool part is i now have 2 different kinds of smoke growing.

Thanks again everyone. I will probably post pics tonight if i get a chance.

Merry Christmas!:peace::joint::blsmoke::mrgreen::hump:


Active Member
So far i have one plant over an inch tall. had some technical difficultys(stupidness planting the seed upside down) with the others. 2 more are taking a likeing to growing and I have sprouted one more plant for my extra pot. When i get a chance i will take some pictures and post them.

Cool part is i now have 2 different kinds of smoke growing.

Thanks again everyone. I will probably post pics tonight if i get a chance.

Merry Christmas!:peace::joint::blsmoke::mrgreen::hump:
So this grow was a fail obviously or i would have put more info. Going to be starting a new grow in an aerogarden. Hoping better luck than last time. I had a few problems last time that i dont think i may have this time.