Days since ground-break: 31 days
Number of plants: 2
Lights: (5)26w, (2)23w CFL
Lumens: 1600 (x7 = 11,200)
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temps: 77ºF
Nutes: On Hold.
So, looks like it's been a month. To think 1 month ago today all I had was a itty bitty sprout in a Halloween party cup. And how fitting is that? Considering in one day it will be Halloween.
I am still waiting on my cooltube. I used my homie's ebay account so the person is going to mail it to him. I hope it shows up today.That would be fucking awesome.
Last night, as you know, I hooked up the HPS wiring. I didn't install the light yet as I dont really have anywhere for it until I get the cooltube.
I watered my plants this morning (9am) since it had been 48 hours since the last watering. They were starting to sag, so I hope when I get home they are happy again..... sigh.. I hope..
They seem to be finicky. I guess they have only been in the new pots for like 1.5 days, so I should give them a break and not expect too much so soon.
I'd like to take a brief moment to do this --->

(cuss smiley may not be showing up..) to the USPS (United States Postal Service). I have been waiting for my Zeitgeist DVDs for 10-11 days now and still have yet to see them. If they could PLEASE get me my cooltube and my Zeitgeist DVDs before I go 'postal' I would be happy!
Anyways... I love you guys. Thanks for the support. We'll be dropping into flower here shortly and then I can join the mob that is flowering.
Here are the kids... and a picture of the pumpkin I carved last night after wiring up the HPS.... Oh yes, and I lit my pumpkin with a daylight CFL. lol