hey Brick can a plant that has been sprayed with silver concocktion be smoked
one more does silver produce female and what or is it female only
cause hermed pollen gives you females and herms
reg pol gives you female and males
I would not do it myself but frankly I have never read anything that was definitive. I do not like anything on what I smoke other than trichomes so I never bothered to research it all that fully. Either way I would not do it.
Some of what I have read said the EPA found that a 150 pound adult should not consume more than 350 micrograms per day. I have read where a deficiency of Vitamin E and selenium will increase a person's susceptibility to toxic effects. Tests performed on dogs were killing them off in 12-hours with the doses they were given, the synthesis of the seleno-enzyme glutathione peroxidase caused liver necrosis. But I have also read things that
'claimed' the amounts sprayed on plants that would later be ingested would be below toxic levels. But the safe level figures used were for eating/drinking and not based on smoking so I would have to question their accuracy.
That is where I would have to question things because, at least in my case, everything I have ever read was based on oral consumption as in eaten/drank. I have never read anything from a credible source that has researched effects if smoked and if heating might possibly alter something or in combination with something it would make it less safe/dangerous or safer to safe.
The other thing is the lack of research in general. From what little I have read there have been no long term studies done in the human body regarding the safety or true efficacy of isolated colloidal silver. Studies done with silver salts, compounds, and proteins have been performed for a longer period of time and they can give a fairly clear idea of how much silver is required for toxicity in the human body. But unless there has been more specific research performed I have not accidentally stumbled across, until then lacking more research about colloidal silver ingested in any and every way possible I do not know if anyone can say with total certainty what is safe and what is not.
If you or someone else has something definitive where it was proven that in the highest amounts possibly used it would be safe or that even in the smallest amounts used it would be a major mistake to smoke the buds by all means please post it. Since I would never consider smoking buds treated with anything to begin with I never bothered to do more than gloss over the subject, I figured that it just did not apply to me. Given the possible risks and my not knowing all that much on this subject I would really rather not be the one to make that call. Research.
If there is an absolutely perfect 100% of the time pure feminized bean making process in the world I do not know if it. Feminizing can be done in several ways. When using colloidal silver the process has a very low rate of hermi traits passed on compared to Rodelization and other processes that have been tried. The percentage of hermis or males found in feminized beans using colloidal silver is normally low enough that it would not be much of an advertising lie for someone to claim 'fully feminized' beans.
This is only an opinion but I do tend to believe that with as many crosses have been made a good number of strains do share a slight hermi trait and then possibly any feminizing process might slightly to greatly increases it, depending on method used, and then with grower carelessness or maybe just a little bad luck tossed in that explains why some strains grown from feminized beans tend to hermi a fair bit. But again that is only an opinion and nothing more.