Ideal Pot Size for my SOG?


Active Member
Hey guys,

I have been vegging 9 GDP girls in a 3.25x3.25x6.5 grow tent under a 400W. After 2 weeks they are now 1 foot tall, and I have just transplanted them into 10" 6.5qt pots. I converted quarts to gallons and these are 1.625 gallons. Will this be enough? I plan to flower as soon as they get their feet into the new soil. I've heard people using 1 gallon containers, but also thats flowering straight from clone. I'm hoping to get between .75 and 1.5 oz per plant. Possible with this 400? Here's a pic to see whats up. Thanks so much!



Active Member
I should have mentioned that they are vegging under a Hortilux Metal ACE conversion bulb on an HPS ballast. I will switch to a true HPS bulb for flower. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
If your vegging and going for the SOG you need to get like twenty plants in that area. :) Use square pots