Ideas for blocking windows?

When sealing up your windows be careful of heat build-up in between. Speaking from experience.

My first attempt, I used 2 sheets of foil-backed foam (1/2" x 2) and the window facing west got soooo hot it literally allowed the mini-blinds to melt/warp to the point they fell out of the side brackets and was showing the foam board (street-side window! not good!). And the physical pressure that built up appears to have pushed out the window frame somewhat. There were large cracks in the drywall/window casing - so the heat/pressure can become way more than you'd expect.

My second attempt, I built a large wooden box that stuck out from wall enough to put some inlet/outlet venting using 1/2" pvc with elbows for light traps. And that is STILL not working out. I replaced the mini blinds with better ones that had a metal bar at top not the cheaper plastic ones. Now I'm still facing a major issue with the heat.... After little more than 1 summer season I'm noticing the white blinds are turning brown on me and noticeable (from the street! ugh). I replaced all the blinds at same time so it very very obvious the heat is changing the color and it stands out compared to nearby windows with nice bright white blinds.

Something to consider. My "v3" will use active ventilation probably. Something like a couple DC fans (PC parts, etc) at bottom to draw in, couple at top to exhaust and keep air flowing. I thought my passive approach before would have done enough to let convection deal with it, but need much larger vents and probably active is the more "sure thing" - don't want to mess with a 4th attempt.
I got frosted privacy film and cardboard painted white or black behind it on the inside to black out light. You can't tell for sheet. From outside. Basement Windows btw.

If I had to stealth a full size. Frosted non adhesive film and black out curtains pinned to wall straight to keep ascetic flow from outside.

#JustSaying ahem #Theory
Are you venting out the windows or why are you bothering with anything but bamboo blinds? I mean tents are pretty lightproof inside and out. Maybe misread the posts.
..when you open your tents at night and 1000 watts blast out of one or more tents you're going to need something on your windows
So why open them at ??? I run my lights at night also, but have enough sense to way for daybreak to unzip..... just saying...not busting balls but why shell out more cash for unnecessary nonsense
One reason i went so drastic on mine is because every time the room pressure changed the plastic flexed and I got tired of fixing it between grows or when it failed and pinhole light found its way in
Got to open/close the door slowwwlyyy lol.. I made the same mistake and ended up sealing it off with ply just like yours. Works nicely
I bought a roll of black Mylar and will place that over the windows that have original blinds which will be visible from the outside. I should look pretty normal. I was going to have the grow lights on during the day, but I’m thinking I’ll have them on at night to lower the electric bill. Do you think the red light would still be beneficial or just keep it completely dark inside the room? I’ll have to enter the tent at night to keep the plants pruned up, but was going to use a green headlamp to enter the dark room and get inside my tent. If I need to do any spraying (neem, Dr Bronners diluted, etc), I’d do it in the dark using that green headlamp. Thanks again for all the replies

If you are are planning to run your lights at night...and tend to them at night...just go in when the lights are on- and spray just before lights off if needed.

Works for me anyway-
I bought something called alligator brand duct tape, its so thick and sticky you can barely peel it from its own roll, & when you put it on something it's not going anywhere!
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So why open them at ??? I run my lights at night also, but have enough sense to way for daybreak to unzip..... just saying...not busting balls but why shell out more cash for unnecessary nonsense

Why open them at night ? ( did you really think about that before you said it? )

To water, harvest, clone, take cuttings, check on, move, transfer, maintain equipment ..I could go on?

And the cash I shelled out was about 10 bucks for duct tape and plastic, I got that
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Also to share, on my small wooden cover box I used pipe insulation foam around the edges to help deal with gaps - the wall is far from being perfect and it prevented any damage to the wall itself so I could remove and it'd look normal again with little to no effort (i.e. could be done in a hurry). Then to hold this contraption in place, I didn't want big mounting screws & the resulting holes around the window frame - so I put 3 eye bolts in each corner (narrow space) and used those ratcheting cargo straps to pull it nice & snug up against the wall pushing the foam to the point it gave a nice light-tight seal.