Ideas for my outdoor garden?? +rep


So after growing weed i have gained some interest in having a outdoor garden. I pretty much have free reign as long as its legal for what i can put outside and was looking for some advice and suggestions on what would be fairly easy to grow (i dont mind a challenge however)
As far as edibles i was gonna def be doing tomatoes and peppers..maybe strawberries and carrots as well.
However my real area of interest would be growing a variety of herbs for food and smoking. So far ive looked in mugwort, mullein, and a prolly a few varities of mint leaves for flavoring my smoke :bigjoint: As long as its legal and will grow in the new england area for just the summer im interested. Im not looking for anything with serious side affects or anything thatll really fuck me up just some things i could mix in with weed//food and has good medical benefits and that i can store easily.

Thanks and good repsonses +rep
I'm working on my first large scale vegetable Garden this year too... and my first indoor grow =) Having lots of fun learning about both projects and I've found everything to be useful in both venues. As far as suggestions, dont plant Mint in anything but a container. That shit is tenacious. I just spent 4 hours today cleaning a bed of mint that had grown for two years. The volume of root growth and the extent the plant invaded the bed was amazing.
My family's gardening started out a few years ago by planting pumpkins and squash in the front yard. Seeing things grow is amazing!!! This year, we're growing everything from Artichokes to Zinnias and I'm excited about it all! Lots of digging ,hand tilling, transplanting to clean the current beds out, and a sunburn already but It is worth it! I like the idea of growing carrots but I think those should be in the ground right about now to grow. You should just go stick some seeds in the beds and see what happens. Thats how it all started for me hehehe