ideas for tent support

haze andy84

I got penlty of negative flow in my 4x4 tent but my problem is my tent looks like a hour glass when its closed up. Im just looking for any good ideas for adding more support without adding too much extra crap inside my tent.


Well-Known Member
Intake fan will help or get a variable speed controller for your fan. I had a cheapo tent once that collapsed due to too much weight, just used wood to support it until i tossed it.

Just fooling

Well-Known Member
Turn the fan down some. Most likely your fan is just oversized. Or your passive intake is very small.
You want negative pressure but not so much as you described. A cheap reostat (spl) can be had for 15-20 bucks. That should solve it.

Just fooling

Well-Known Member
That hr glass effect makes you loose valuable space. Especially in a 4x4. More like a 3x3 I know exactly what you are going through.

haze andy84

Thanks for ideas im thinkin i going to add another fresh air intake im only use one 4inch. Maybe a second 6 inch intake will help. An i do have a speed controller set around 3/4 so i might backer her down a hair or two and thanks again and heres two of my girls white rhino first scrog attempt

haze andy84

Thanks for ideas im thinkin i going to add another fresh air intake im only use one 4inch. Maybe a second 6 inch intake will help. An i do have a speed controller set around 3/4 so i might backer her down a hair or two and thanks again

Just fooling

Well-Known Member
Yea at 430cfm you have to much air pushing through it. Your tent being I'm guessing around 112 sq ft. You are exchanging the air a few times a minute. Its overkill for the tents size. I would take the fan down till its exchanging the air about once per two minutes.

A 4" online would suit your purposes better but the six will be fine don't be worried to turn it way down.


Well-Known Member
use bamboo canes taped to the four corner poles at around half way up the tent, i know a couple who do this and it really helps the plants not being pressed up against the wall of the tent when you zip it up.

basically where you push the poles in to each other on the upright supports, that joint is the part that gets sucked in the most so position the canes there and though the poles may still bend in slightly at least the fabric of the tent wall wont be as affected.

haze andy84

Yea im going to make some changes in about 2 half weeks my girls should be done then ill clean the tent and add some support and im going to do a scrog frame as big as the tent now i just have a rotating table about 3 1/2 feet in diameter and i want to maximize my space but for now im going to turn the fan down half way. Thanks fur the input