So i wanted to just toss a few ideas around and see if anyone had any knowledge or input on some possible cultivation techniques. Im an agriculture major, and constantly look at my notes and think "could i apply this same lab work to herb?" So thought i'de throw a few topics out there.
Assume you had ample test room
1. colchicine. a pretty common chemical used in gardening to cause a double in chromosomes. Making a diploid into a tetraploid. possible by soaking the seeds in solution or applying cotton balls of the solution to maristem of a young plant. It doesn't always work but lets say you manage it. The possibility of crossing a 4n plant with a 2n plant to make a 3n plant could have some benefits. 3n triploids dont go to seed because of the odd number of chromosomes cant be divided. Also 3n plants sometimes have a vigor not seen in 2n or 4n.
One problem is the idea of using colchicine as it can be a dangerous chemical. Such small amounts used would most likely be completely absent by the 2nd generation (3n plant) but it should always be considered.
Personally i enjoy the idea of complete organics so i don't know if i would really want my herb modified by man but it is an interesting idea none the less. Could there be larger hardier buds? It would be sensimilia and what effect does the increased chromosomes have on thc production.
some others:
2. Hybrid vigor? Heterosis, Another simple one that i'm sure has been tried before? Downside is it takes time space and lots of potential outbreeding depression. But it worked for corn in this country, could it make some crazy herb?
3. Grafting? Iv heard alot of talk about attempting grafting plants onto root stock and the general consensus seams to be failure due to the in-balance in plant mass vs root mass. But what about other possibilities like growing to plants and grafting them together as young stalks so they grow with twice the root mass and twice the plant mass. Seems dumb because you could just have two plants. But there is always potential for vigor and sometimes once the plant has adjusted you can cut back one of the stems above the fuse and and it will have greater chance of surviving (in good health). Also the possibility in different strains being crossed this way?
I have other ideas but ill start here. Just simply for discussion as i do not cultivate.
So i wanted to just toss a few ideas around and see if anyone had any knowledge or input on some possible cultivation techniques. Im an agriculture major, and constantly look at my notes and think "could i apply this same lab work to herb?" So thought i'de throw a few topics out there.
Assume you had ample test room
1. colchicine. a pretty common chemical used in gardening to cause a double in chromosomes. Making a diploid into a tetraploid. possible by soaking the seeds in solution or applying cotton balls of the solution to maristem of a young plant. It doesn't always work but lets say you manage it. The possibility of crossing a 4n plant with a 2n plant to make a 3n plant could have some benefits. 3n triploids dont go to seed because of the odd number of chromosomes cant be divided. Also 3n plants sometimes have a vigor not seen in 2n or 4n.
One problem is the idea of using colchicine as it can be a dangerous chemical. Such small amounts used would most likely be completely absent by the 2nd generation (3n plant) but it should always be considered.
Personally i enjoy the idea of complete organics so i don't know if i would really want my herb modified by man but it is an interesting idea none the less. Could there be larger hardier buds? It would be sensimilia and what effect does the increased chromosomes have on thc production.
some others:
2. Hybrid vigor? Heterosis, Another simple one that i'm sure has been tried before? Downside is it takes time space and lots of potential outbreeding depression. But it worked for corn in this country, could it make some crazy herb?
3. Grafting? Iv heard alot of talk about attempting grafting plants onto root stock and the general consensus seams to be failure due to the in-balance in plant mass vs root mass. But what about other possibilities like growing to plants and grafting them together as young stalks so they grow with twice the root mass and twice the plant mass. Seems dumb because you could just have two plants. But there is always potential for vigor and sometimes once the plant has adjusted you can cut back one of the stems above the fuse and and it will have greater chance of surviving (in good health). Also the possibility in different strains being crossed this way?
I have other ideas but ill start here. Just simply for discussion as i do not cultivate.