Identify This Plant Part & Sex


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the poor photo's but I am looking to learn something. Can someone identify the item with the blue arrow pointing at it. These little things have been present almost since the begining. Usually two of them on each side of the plant at each node. In addition next to this part another thing has formed, am I correct in assuming this is where I will be looking to determine sex (Orange arrow) ? I am about 4 days into flowering.

Of course a shot at the entire grow;



Well-Known Member
those two balls, if thats what im seeing, are only from male plants. Female plants have 2 white hairs that grow out of that area instead.
The blue arrow shows two pointy looking things that grow on both male and female plants even before going into flowering.

Heres a close up of what think im seeing from red arrow:


Well-Known Member
the blue arrows are pointing to "leaf spurs". these are common on all marijuana plants.

the orange arrows are pointing to pre-flowers. the pics are a little blurry but from what i see they are leaning towards male. female pre-flower most often have at least 1 if not 2 hairs protruding from them.

this is a male.......male haze x dreamgodess.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thanks folks, I am going to wait it out and see. It looks like a raindrop shape with possibly a small hair coming out of it. I will give it another day or two for sure before I start to get worried :)


Well-Known Member
If anyone else wants to chime in feel free :) Like I said the plants have only been on 12/12 for about 4-5 days. The strain is WW and I am told it is VERY slow to show sex which is why I never thought we would be talking male/female in this thread.


Well-Known Member
hook us up with some closer pics
I will keep an eye on them, I can not get back into the room until late tonight. I bet another day or two and it will be obvious. Tonight when I am all stoned depressed about the likely hood of males I will post again after some pictures lol.

I need to make one of the three WW's work. All the clones are DEAD and they are in flower. So its a given I am;

Seeding a bud or two
Taking clones during flower
Attempting to reveg a female (if I get any)

Oh the joys of being a noob...


Well-Known Member
the blue arrows are pointing to "leaf spurs". these are common on all marijuana plants.

the orange arrows are pointing to pre-flowers. the pics are a little blurry but from what i see they are leaning towards male. female pre-flower most often have at least 1 if not 2 hairs protruding from them.

this is a male.......View attachment 26781
that's a nice little nut sack you drew there FDD :)


Well-Known Member
I am getting upset :( I think all four of them are males. Please confirm .... They all look to be going this route;



Well-Known Member
How about a confirmation here ? This morning in the above picture I see a few small hairs coming out of what I thought were balls. This above looks to be forming on most of the plants.


Well-Known Member
Yes that is a male or If it had hairs and now looks like that it could be a Hermi.
Check out all plants and kill the ones that look male to have a all female seedless crop.


Active Member
I'm going to be sexing my plants soon and was curious if they all turned out male or not... I too am rolling the 4-sided die from seed.


the blue arrows are pointing to "leaf spurs". these are common on all marijuana plants.

the orange arrows are pointing to pre-flowers. the pics are a little blurry but from what i see they are leaning towards male. female pre-flower most often have at least 1 if not 2 hairs protruding from them.

this is a male.......View attachment 26781
hey man how u goen
can i ask u a question ?