Identifying Problem(s)


6th week of flowering, on 12/12, been feeding it sensai bloom part A and B mixing evenly in a 4 galllon reservoir reading around 1000ppm adding Big Bud, Bud candy, and Cal/mag, ending at around 1400ppm, watering whenever the pot feels too light, and usually water/feed/water/feed etc. PH has been a constant 6.5 going in, with runoff usually around 6.4/6.5 area in Sunshine soilless mix. The plant has been slowly yellowing for about 2 weeks now, progressing even faster recently.

Looking at the plant it seems that the inner parts of the leaves are starting to yellow while the inner vein remains green, making me think this is an Fe deficiency, the main effected leaves being twords the upper newer growth also leading me to believe this is an Fe issue, I have 6 plants, some more affected than others, one plant in particular has developed some browning crispyness to the outer edges of the plant, mainly twords the tip of the leaf going halfway down, yet the leaves are also suffering the same yellowing leaves with green veins problem, so i'm confused if it could be a K deficiency, or just a bi-product of a prolonged Fe deficiency.

or it could just be nitrogen deficiency.

any suggestions or possible solutions would be appreciated, thank you



no, 2nd grow, first time I was using Dutch Masters A and B, but I switched this time to sensei A and B to see if i liked it better, i haven't switched the formula since buds started to produce, and before was only giving it sensei grow A and B, with a little cal mag every once in awhile because i have pretty soft water


Well-Known Member
The plant looks to be an Indica, so it might just be natural die off seeing that it is almost finished. Also 1400 PPM at this stage is way hot, you should start backing off big time, especially if it is an 8 week plant.


Active Member
It's Normal For Marijuana Leaves To Start Turning Yellow As Harvest Time Approaches, Don't Keep Adding More Nitrogen!

Nutrients should be something like 5-15-15 or close !