Well-Known Member
Every time I read the posts in this forum I become more convinced that this might actually happen.
I love that movie...
You've seen it, right? Remember the opening scene? The joke is that if the trailer trash folks (i.e. sarah palin's fanbase...) outbreed the latte-sipping yuppies, we will end up in dummy-land....
So, for once, I have to agree with you...reading some of the posts on here, I do sometimes worry that we're headed down that road.
just ignore him, rick believes all dissenting or differing opinions should be censored and removed
that doesnt sound like an american to me
Lighten up, brother....I was kidding mostly. I uphold asinine stereotypes because I think they're hilarious.
There are most definitely some bright minds on the right, including on this forum. None of them seem to think very highly of sarah palin, though. I wonder what bill buckley would think of her. Notice that nothing I posted even mentioned 'conservatives', only 'sarah palin's fanbase'. There are idiots on the left and there are idiots on the right....the ones on the right just love themselves some sarah is all.
Seriously though, did you see the film??? Because if you remember the opening scene, you would know that it is not I who is insisting on false dichotomies or asinine stereotypes...
Oh and for the record...I've seen just as much name-calling, topic changing and infantile behavior from 'conservatives' on these boards as I have from the 'liberals'. And the same goes for well-argued, reasonable and articulate viewpoints. In fact, some of those come from you when you aren't busy penning diatribes about how conservatives > liberals or how everything you don't like is destroying america.
Amen brother!See, that is just the type of ignorance that threatens us all. Why is it that you insist on this false dichotomy (look it up) that everyone on the Right are stupid rednecks and everyone on the Left are brilliant and refined?
In this forum, people on the right consistently demonstrate a wider breadth of knowledge, are considerably more articulate, are better able to compose their thoughts and to express complex ideas and demonstrate greater vocabularies. They are also less prone to resorting to personal attacks and use far less vulgarity when expressing their viewpoints.
Those on the left, typically have a hard time remaining on topic, use personal attacks as their main means of expression, are unable to express any idea that is not already a well known Liberal talking point, are unable to express any idea not popular with the "in crowd" and are unable to do even that without using endless strings of vulgarity.
A simple survey of this forum makes this abundantly clear and the same is true for most Left and Right media outlets on-line. Although the Left can lay claim to intellectuals hiding in Universities, the Right holds claim to intellectuals who's ideas prevail in the open marketplace of ideas.
Conservative thinkers also sell far more books by light years and dominate in talk radio and cable news.
So how and why do you even attempt to uphold these asinine stereotypes?
It is very naive grouping people into two polar groups.See, that is just the type of ignorance that threatens us all. Why is it that you insist on this false dichotomy (look it up) that everyone on the Right are stupid rednecks and everyone on the Left are brilliant and refined?
In this forum, people on the right consistently demonstrate a wider breadth of knowledge, are considerably more articulate, are better able to compose their thoughts and to express complex ideas and demonstrate greater vocabularies. They are also less prone to resorting to personal attacks and use far less vulgarity when expressing their viewpoints.
Those on the left, typically have a hard time remaining on topic, use personal attacks as their main means of expression, are unable to express any idea that is not already a well known Liberal talking point, are unable to express any idea not popular with the "in crowd" and are unable to do even that without using endless strings of vulgarity.
A simple survey of this forum makes this abundantly clear and the same is true for most Left and Right media outlets on-line. Although the Left can lay claim to intellectuals hiding in Universities, the Right holds claim to intellectuals who's ideas prevail in the open marketplace of ideas.
Conservative thinkers also sell far more books by light years and dominate in talk radio and cable news. LOL LOL LOL!!! you are really dumb.
So how and why do you even attempt to uphold these asinine stereotypes?