Idiots on this site.

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But, even if someone hasn't had the valuble experience of growing, certainly someone with half a brain could give good advice based on research. Lots and lots of research. Especially about the basics: lighting, germination, etc.

However, I agree that people who have no idea what in the hell they are doing should totally shut it. More complex issues should be handled by a pro ^_^
people ask seemingly stupid questions and other people give bad advice. so what? it's on the asker to double check the responses. as for the people with bad advice, well then they have a chance to have their info corrected. thus everyone is better off.
Why has this beautiful site been plagued with a bunch of fucking morons giving the worst advice lately!?!?!? It makes me want to :spew:and not come back!

i hope this is not about me:cry:,because i sometimes lost in English still not good.but i allvays try to give advice just about things which i know for sure.
Guys guys this isnt about people asking stupid questions. That is perfectly fine and I will help them. I am talking about people giving very bad advice.

The thread that got me going on this had 3 different members saying there was no such thing as a screen of green and that it was called sea of green.
Guys guys this isnt about people asking stupid questions. That is perfectly fine and I will help them. I am talking about people giving very bad advice.

The thread that got me going on this had 3 different members saying there was no such thing as a screen of green and that it was called sea of green.

i missed that one. i could have solved it with a simple link.:blsmoke:
that was his point. there IS a screen of green but some OTHER members told some novice that there was no such thing.
Takes all sorts to make a world man. The quicker we colonise Mars and ship all the numpties off the better.
i missed that one. i could have solved it with a simple link.:blsmoke:

It was fixed with a nice link and a big picture. :peace:

I dont know how you miss these people.
One of them said something really dumb like " Its sea of green....I dont know about the screen cock"
dude their is a screen of your being a dumbass cause you didnt research and see if it were true.

you put a thing of chicken wire above your plants and then when your plants reach that height they wont be able to grow higher any more so they will start growing sideways.

you got served biatch :) LOL

also jesus

your english is perfect

I love u :)

WHAT THE FUCK!? your the "dumbass" buddy. I was reffereing to a thread where someone had told another member that there was no such thing as a screen of green, I know what a SCROG is.

I believe your the one who got served.


you must be smoking some good shit I want some :blsmoke:

ScrOG in a nutshell. not my plant.
you all are making my job very difficult today.:evil:

im sorry man please go ahead and just close this thread if youd like....I dont like people calling me names and such when they didnt read my poorly written post properly. Mostly my fault that he didnt understand what I was saying but he didnt have to come at me the way he did.

and man I have seen way worse in the politics section haha

I think all questions are good, they show intrest. I ask dumb q's all day...Like.SCROG is what you do to your girl or guy, right?
As a newb myself, I only ask questions I have allready researched and feel I have a good awnser allready. No matter what, It boils down to who is working on the plant.
Your hands, your responsibilty.
There are assholes EVERYWHERE you go and no matter where you are, everyone thinks they stink. :)
BTW that green thing is a bouncing googlybear and it comes from planet BANTAR and they are very rare, so if you still have it, take good care of it.
They love Carrots.
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