Idk wats going in if anything


my plants r in there 4th week in flowering but I dont see any nugs popping out yet its 100% satvia idk if its because of that. Thats y its not buddin or is it sumthang eles my room is pretty hot too I cant bring the temp down I have two fan running a one of those ac that u can put in ur window but its not workin the temp is up in its 90 sumday even high 90 but it dosent feel all that hot can that cause my plant to not bud up mayb my temp thing is no good.idk let me know


hej babe, i think its because its a Sativa that its not showing yet... give it a few more weeks but do try to get the Temps down a bit... 90 is way too hot...



hej babe, i think its because its a Sativa that its not showing yet... give it a few more weeks but do try to get the Temps down a bit... 90 is way too hot...

I know thanks lol im just not a paition guy lol sorry my spilling not so great but yeah I gotta bring down the heat those ac device is just too dam expencive