marijuana plants dont need sunlight from sunrise to sunset, they can take it but they will thrive in areas with a lot less sunlight also. 5-6 hours of direct sunlight is still great. When I try to make new plots, I try to disturb the forest as little as possible. Plants have a natural look to them, when you got a big freshly cut tree sticking out in the middle of the forest, its gonna draw some attention. Your also just giving yourself extra work, just hauling soil and amending all the crap together is a workout in itself let alone trying to cut down a tree. I would just spend another day taking a big ol stroll. Its all about stealthiness of the plot, you have to think if anybody else will visit this location other then you? I suggest southern faced hills, thats where all the suns at, and your usually completely hidden from the north side. Remember the woods become alot thinner during the winter, Its like a whole different area once spring comes again, it turns into a jungle, really thick. hope that helps.