

Well-Known Member
Whats up guys? I have 2 autos growing right now, the bigger one which is a skunk auto from white label is a week ahead of the trans siberian i have from auto seeds. The skunk seems to be florishing and the trans is just stuck, its been basically the same size for probably about a week now maybe longer, i have 3 42w cfls and 3 23w cfls in a 30"x18"x36" mylar tent, with 2 small fans from walmart venting in and out. Also i was wondering if the skunk is preflowering, its been about 2 and a half weeks. Thanks for any input its much appreciated



Well-Known Member
Well I don't see any preflowers on that one picture thats for sure. Looks like everything is going well though. What's the heat like in there?


Active Member
No preflowers yet. Theyre still really young. The little pointy things on the main stem at the base of each node are called stipules. Theyre pretty much a non essential part of the plant. Preflowers usually appear right next to those stipules.


Active Member
Each plant is different, especially when you are comparing different strains, when it comes to growth. Since they are so young, maybe one is putting more efforts into root development. Basically, so far so good...steady as she goes.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanks i appreciate the input, i think it may just be the seeds i got, the first never germd, the second popped the soil then withered n died and this one looks nice n green n healthy but just isnt growing much at all, atleast above the soil.


Well-Known Member
Stipules, forgot all about those lol and heat isnt an issue, usually around 62-75 degrees, this is my first auto grow, ive done 2 previous grows but with photo plants, not too familiar with autos but they really arent much diff than photos, just cant stress them and no need to change light cycle, as far as i know.