If a room is not light tight can it mess the plant up????


Well-Known Member
Hey there. I have two rooms going at the minute. A veg room with flouros in and a flower room with 2 600w lights in.

I have spit the room in two but very very small ammouts of light get into to flower room. Is this a concern and will it flower properly?

When will i start to see them flower? This is my 2nd time im about to go into flower and forgot how quick you would notice it.

I will be going to sort out the light issue but by maki g sure its light tight but want to know if its an issue.

They are in total darkness but just the smallest ammount get into the roo


New Member
yes it can be, depending upon how stable the genetics are and even the colour of the light, amongst other things. If you are using femmed seeds then they can often hermie


Active Member
light leaks are bad mmmmmmmmmmmmk.....they not only can stress a plant, causing it to herm....they can also delay, slow, or stop flowering...light leaks should be addressed.
good luck.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
only if it is constint bright light beaming on your plants. think about the out door. its not totaly dark out at night all the time


New Member
Outside it isn't completely dark no, but the moonlight doesn't have the same properties :)


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i have light from the neighbors house, my tv, and my bedroom that leaks in my flower room and have had no ill efects... always have form the first grow..

even had house light leak in my green house.. no problems


New Member
The answers really say that it may not it will. That is enough to try and avoid the issue.

So many different types of light, you can grow by the light of your pc screen if you wished jeje


Active Member
only if it is constint bright light beaming on your plants. think about the out door. its not totaly dark out at night all the time
so if its not constant it's ok? Keeping a grow room completely dark while flowering is a basic requirement for growing good weed. Comparing indoor grow conditions to outdoors grow conditions is a great way to mess things up.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
so if its not constant it's ok? Keeping a grow room completely dark while flowering is a basic requirement for growing good weed. Comparing indoor grow conditions to outdoors grow conditions is a great way to mess things up.
high intense light like hps or mh light leaking in will do harm.
we are trying to match the out doors when growing indoors.. so tell me again comparing the two will mess things up... you my friend have a lot to learn


Well-Known Member
I've been gowing outside and it's not that dark at night but she's still flowering. I wonder if she would flower faster if it were full darkness. I think I am going to start putting her in my closet at night to see if it speeds things up.


Well-Known Member
Well i have been in flower now for over a week. I have noticed that some are female as they were mixed seeds but no buds have started to gorm at all it is pritty dam dark in there but has the odd leak of light. Dont know if they are flowering yet???


New Member
A plant can grow under a million conditions, whether it produces a quantity of quality bud is another matter :-)


Well-Known Member
A plant can grow under a million conditions, whether it produces a quantity of quality bud is another matter :-)
Well my conditions are pritty good lol

Just a bit curious on why they havent started to bud.

My last grow was fantastic lol


New Member
I open up my flower room from time to time to do something not turn the lights on grant you but light comes in. Never an issue they never get direct light and its not more then 10 times during flower period. So its not like if you let some light in from time to time you will damage your plants or yield. If you flick the lights you flower with off and on then ya probably. Just common sense boys.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I open up my flower room from time to time to do something not turn the lights on grant you but light comes in. Never an issue they never get direct light and its not more then 10 times during flower period. So its not like if you let some light in from time to time you will damage your plants or yield. If you flick the lights you flower with off and on then ya probably. Just common sense boys.
i turn on a regular house light bulb when lights are off when working in my room.. no ill efects. ever


New Member
@mygirls, more luck than judgment :-)

If you require light to see around the plants use a green bulb. Green light will not hurt them.

Occasional light also will usually not hurt them but light that is disrupting the cycle will, simple as that.

I do not know why you have planst not flowering just now, but I suspect isnt because of light leaks


Well-Known Member
@mygirls, more luck than judgment :-)

If you require light to see around the plants use a green bulb. Green light will not hurt them.

Occasional light also will usually not hurt them but light that is disrupting the cycle will, simple as that.

I do not know why you have planst not flowering just now, but I suspect isnt because of light leaks
It has only been 8 days since it went to flower. I have noticed which are female and which are male. The males have been moved now but thought id start to see the buds by now that was all


i think you will be fine with the small light leak, and a s far as the length into flower, different strains have different times, as does a new seed of the same strain. i think you should wait and see how it turns out after a couple days, maybe even a week. :weed: