If a room is not light tight can it mess the plant up????


New Member
glad you have moved the males.

You should be seeing bud sites I imagine. depending upon the strain. If its a strong Sativa it can be very slow under cfl. (oops, you are not cfl)

How long were they vegged for? what is the humidity?


Well-Known Member
glad you have moved the males.

You should be seeing bud sites I imagine. depending upon the strain. If its a strong Sativa it can be very slow under cfl. (oops, you are not cfl)

How long were they vegged for? what is the humidity?

I left them in veg for 7 weeks. Till they were all at least a foot. Now there all nearly 2ft tall. Loads of space but not a problem but they have shot up this week.

Humidity well i dont have anything to measure it but will do soon but id say its not to humid.


New Member
Then just keep doing what you are doing, if they are spurting then everything should be fine... You want the humidity less than 50% whereas in veg you wanted it a bit higher :-)


Well-Known Member
Then just keep doing what you are doing, if they are spurting then everything should be fine... You want the humidity less than 50% whereas in veg you wanted it a bit higher :-)
yea thanks man. think im being impaitent on waiting lol.

and now for the light leakage, all has gone. its all been sorted some way or another so just gonna watch them grow lol.

yea i have a extractor on during flower and not through veg. (well through veg but not as much as flower)


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
@mygirls, more luck than judgment :-)

If you require light to see around the plants use a green bulb. Green light will not hurt them.

Occasional light also will usually not hurt them but light that is disrupting the cycle will, simple as that.

I do not know why you have planst not flowering just now, but I suspect isnt because of light leaks
green light is just a myth nothing more nothing less