If a tree falls....


Well-Known Member
well tell me if there are any holes in my idea

the question is if a tree falls without anyone around to hear it does it make a sound?

Well the "sound" is an energy wave that travels from an object or person making a certain action.

So if a tree falls it will still produce the energy waves needed to produce sound but without something to receive or interpret the energy wave it will only result in a tree falling soundlessly to the ground

The funny thing being this would be practically impossible to observe yet the answer can be thought up so easily hmmmmmm......

give me some feedback


P.S. And those muthafucka's said stoners are stupid man thats some bull


the real question is, what is the definition of sound? is the energy wave defined as sound only after it is received by an observer( an ear, or recording device ) or is the energy wave itself " sound " regardless of whether or not it rattles an eardrum or microphone......the definition of "sound" will answer the question..or at least help.

Guerilla Grower

Active Member
i once had this argument with a friend of mine
he stuck to the definition
"sound is vibration transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gas; particularly, sound means those vibrations composed of frequencies capable of being detected by ears"
arguing that the vibrations have to be picked up by something or someone for the sound to be heard

i think that the debate should not be on the grammar that is used to describe the event ,it should be out of theory
the result is impossible to test therefore it can only lie in theory
trees are well known to produce sounds when they have fallen
so why arnt we judging the result on the physics of the matter rather than existence of hearers to judge whether sound is made or not

like i said earlier only lies in theory


Well-Known Member
this is the least intelilgent argument

the defination of sound is a vibration

which happens whether someone is there to hear it or not.

Did you see the tsunami?

does that mean i didnt happen

come on :roll:


Well-Known Member
This is philosophy for the retarded. Yes it makes a sound, the act of observation has no effect on the event being observed. Sound is a vibration traveling threw a medium. If no one was there the vibration would still happen and sound would still be generated. Its like asking if no one had eyes would the sun still shine? Does the universe exist outside of my field of vision? When I turn around does my monitor turn into a flying spaghetti monster?

Guerilla Grower

Active Member
calling someone retarded for having the opposite opinion of yours is kind of pointless

i see what your point is though about the vibrations still occurring thats also what i think
what they are trying to say is that by definition sound is only vibrations that are received/heard by someone/something

oh yes and if no one had eyes how would you know the sun shines, that goes along with the same thing were talking about just another example

like i said in my last post its impossible to test whose right so the debate does get interesting with people resorting to calling people names to get their point across


Well-Known Member
This is philosophy for the retarded. Yes it makes a sound, the act of observation has no effect on the event being observed. Sound is a vibration traveling threw a medium. If no one was there the vibration would still happen and sound would still be generated. Its like asking if no one had eyes would the sun still shine? Does the universe exist outside of my field of vision? When I turn around does my monitor turn into a flying spaghetti monster?
the flying spaghetti monster is real I'll tell you!


Well-Known Member
My answer is . Yes the tree makes noise when it falls , and if no one is there to hear it fall ,oh well but it still makes noise ... record it ... your not there to hear it but it still makes noise ..


Well-Known Member
Or.....Two people standing close to the tree. The tree falls, is it really making a noise if one of those people is deaf?:joint:


Active Member
Yes it makes a sound. if the waves need something to grow thru, then im sure there is other trees or grass. plus if you watch a tree fall 100 times, it will make sound 100 times.. so that means there is a 100% chance


Well-Known Member
if a tree falls and you are not there it makes noise....

If you are there and the Tree falls YOU CAN her the Noise ^^ and it makes a noise ^^ haha


Well-Known Member
calling someone retarded for having the opposite opinion of yours is kind of pointless

i see what your point is though about the vibrations still occurring thats also what i think
what they are trying to say is that by definition sound is only vibrations that are received/heard by someone/something

oh yes and if no one had eyes how would you know the sun shines, that goes along with the same thing were talking about just another example

like i said in my last post its impossible to test whose right so the debate does get interesting with people resorting to calling people names to get their point across
I didn't say someone with the opposite opinion is retarded just the person sitting around wondering about this happens to be , but your right I shouldn't do such petty things. But I think you took this indirect statement a lil personal. I feel that isn't the definition of sound but is the definition of hearing or a recording. Sound is made of vibrations capable of being heard not vibrations that are heard. Its impossible to know who is right if you lack basic logic and the ability to make inferences about our every day world.