If Aliens Created Man, Who Created The Aliens?


Well-Known Member
just as evolution has brought us humans to an upright position,,so could evolution have worked anywhere else


Active Member
I believe to say that everything on earth has a reason for being. `not jus that but everyything here is made by god know we ask ourselves who made God wait!!i believe god is not human but all mighty creator of everthing. ok you can say i kind of dont make sense so the question is who made aliens since aliens made humans?good question my belief would be God. you can diagree with me or agree i also believe that everything in life or in other dimensions there is a good or a bad. so that must tell us if someone made humans someone musT OF CREATED SOMEONE OR SOMETHING REALLY DARK ENERGY.well this is all i have to say!
The one is the all, the all is the one! Are you saying we were created from dark energy?


Well-Known Member
Damn! I was just thinking about that yesterday. I sorta believe in the "raped ape" theory. Sounds just as good as the talking snake thing. I think if we found out for sure we would have mass hysteria happening so it's probably better it's a big mystery!