I would like to say one last thing about this topic and then I will let it end.
I have read many of the posts that have been put on here by every one.
I respect your opinions. I believe, after careful consideration, that most people don't believe in God for one reason:
Their own bullshit dogma.
It's not logic, and it's not common sense, it's just what YOUR reality of the subject is.
I posted this because I wanted people to share their ideas. When we hear other peoples ideas then we sometimes can grow past our own simplicity.
When a farmer plants a crop he does in a orderly fashion.
I believe GOD wants us to have order in our life.
Atheismis destructive because there is no order to the human. With out God we must create order from Logic. But how can we have perfect logic with out God???
Perfect example:
Stealing. Christians are commanded not to steal.
Atheist: If you have in abundance then some one should be able to steal from you...logicality
Does evolution justify rape? In nature, the strongest animal gets the female. So why not for humans....since they are a product of rape in nature???
Murder. If we are from nature, then what is wrong with murder. Happens in nature all the time.
Love. If there is no God, then love must be a made up form of governing ones self. Like a religion.
So why should we care for others? (there is no right answer with out God)
I could go on...