If atheist don't have Faith, how do They buy Faith n Evolution???

The bible is the beginning of faith. Not faith it self. Just like Darwin is the beginning of beliefe in evolution.

Is Darwin real? All we have is books. So should we believe that Darwin is real? How can you prove he is real? Can I sit down with him and ask him questions?
If you can rely on history then why can't Christians?

I never understood why Atheist use gravity to debunk God. Gravity is a law. Do laws happen by accident?

I see the world and it's proof of God because it is made up of laws. Who can honestly say that chaos makes laws? Every thing around us screams a creator not an accident.

So why gravity?

no, the question is ................ "why child molesters"?
And another thing, Weed4Cash. How would the humble, perfect members of your Christian church react to you being a pot head? Would they embrace you with open arms and encourage you? Or would they label you a druggie?
Wow. This is actually happening.

Okay, OP. I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to answer it honestly.

If he were in your situation right now, What would Jesus do?

I only ask because I sincerely doubt you bothered to ask.

Would he come to a forum hurling insults at unbelievers? Calling them ignorant? Swearing at them?

Has it occurred to you that your boorish behavior is actually pushing people away who might otherwise be open to your beliefs? That you are merely a foil allowing the rest of us who cherish our lack of faith just as zealously as you do your faith, to present logical rebuttals?

In other words, you are making us look good by comparison. The unbelievers have been doing the cheek-turning.

Your original post started out as an attack. This whole thread is an attack, but that's okay. I'm not really concerned about its effect on the rest of us.

I'm more concerned with what kind of god would sanction the behavior you have put on display here in this forum.

Ghandi said "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

the same kind of GOD that would intentionally CREATE a child molester.

he could have EASILY skipped that one. just that one. :(
Illogical. You feel the need to push your beliefs on others because you hold faith in the idea that if others believe than your own faith isn't meaningless.
this guy will be posting threads like one love soon he's gone off the deep end
George may be crazy as a shit-house rat, but he's sincere. And he gladly accepts the slings and arrows resulting from presenting his views in a place like this.

I can respect George.

But I have no respect for a self-righteous, indignant, Elmer Gantry like the OP. Criticizing ideas, and schools of thought, of which he has no understanding.

I wonder if the OP is in Sunday School right now nodding in agreement as the teacher states emphatically that the earth is 6,000 years old?

the same kind of GOD that would intentionally CREATE a child molester.

he could have EASILY skipped that one. just that one. :(
The same god who calls himself allah and allows little girls to be married to old men as soon as they menstruate.

Who allows painful genital mutilation called female circumcision.

Who calls female rape victims 'adulterers.'

Who allows boy dancing parties for the purpose of allowing lecherous men to ogle and bugger little boys.

Same god.
read the whole thread and the only thing I got out of it was that
"if god were real he would not allow child molesters."

yes, i truly BELIEVE that.

unless you can give me a good reason why we need them.

so what's the point of religion again? to be able to molest children and be forgiven? ;)

When the Catholic church found out they could be making money from sinning... Then there was alot more sinning going on ...
If Jesus wasn't such a pussy maybe he wouldn't have to die for your sins.

He came back to life three days later? I'd die for your sins too if I knew it didn't mean shit. Wouldn't he have gone to heaven for that time? He basically just crashed at his dad's place for the weekend.
It just seems like they do it cause they have nothing better to do. If it is gods will to smite these soldiers so it be, but what does any of it have to do with gay sex? I just don't get the connection?