Well-Known Member
My original question was, how can athiest dog faith when they require it just like Christians do.
Everyone must have faith. Faith is just believing something that you cannot prove. Based on the facts I have learned, religous beliefs are far fetched, unlikely and in many instances downright impossible.
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate people who believe in God many of my family members including my parents do. I personally choose not to believe stories that were written by people with little knowledge of how things actually work that has than been interpreted by someone else and than added to. Maybe there is a god but why is your religion right and every other religion wrong? How do you know what happened 2000 years ago? I have an open mind and would definately be interested in learning any evidence of god, no evidence has ever been brought to my attention that would suffice. If there really was a god, why wouldn't it continue to perform miracles for all to see which couldn't be explained away by modern science? Just gotta have faith right?
I actually disagree that thiss thread is dumb, in fact there has been a whole bunch of great posts just none from the original poster. And whenever someone addresses your ? you act like it never happened, why not post something relevant to the issue instead of more meaningless posts? Where's all the believers to come back you up, are you the only one? No, I think that even believers see you as naaive and don't want to be associated with your garbage.
Your last post reminds me of one of my favorite utube videos. Because without god there would be no reason to be a good person who doesn't rape and kill right? Oh and religious fanatics never kill others either right? Right.
But what PROOF do you have that god exists? A book written by man? That requires FAITH and is proof of nothing.
However, I have PROOF of many pieces of bone that can be dated back into the past many millions if not tens of millions of years. Those bones are FACT. Now, the conclusions you draw from them are yours to decide.
We believe in Gravity... We cannot really explain it but there is plenty of PROOF that it exists. If we believe in gravity then that does not make god any more or less likely.