That's the answer for a skeptic, not an atheist. Skepticism of unfounded claims is generally a good way to live your life. I'm pretty sure you are skeptical of most extraordinary claims out there, loch ness monster, fairies, telepathy, alchemy, and every other religious claim that isn't Xtian based, right?Yea, that's the PAT answer for athiest. Show me proof.
Belief doesn't imply faith. Belief can also mean that a person accepts the current understanding until new information changes those understandings. You are making way too much about the word 'belief.'But ask them if they believe in science and all it's answers and the answer is usually "yes" and I guess that is because science is SMRT.... Right?
That's true. So far, we have not been able to in just a few short years, reproduce the events that took nature millions of years to do. I wonder why...I have news for you. They have TRIED to replicate life from nothing or at least from it's simplist forms and FAILED.
Scientist have not been able to get a positive net energy from nuclear fusion either, we have never been able to replicate the formation of the sun, so does that mean we never will?So us HUMANS can't even get life started but supposedly it happened by accident???
What the hell does this mean?Really? Can I sit down with the Evolution God and have a chat with him?
Can I sit down with the Chance God and have a chat with him?
Explain how the universe is perfect. What is perfect about it? It is immense, it is vast, it truly is awe inspiring. But perfect?Because looking at the univers in all it's perfection and all it's glory is really hard for me with out the knowledge of the Gospel I have and with out the knowledge of Jesus.
I would think that someone godly wouldn't criticize people for being skeptical of silly bronze-age myths and superstitions.But then I am a christian. I live breath and sleep the life of some one Godly. I guess that I have a bit more to loose then you.
Yea, I never quite understood the rationale for this line of argument. They attack science by calling it a religion and claim that it needs faith "as much as they need." Yet don't they value their faith and believe it is a way to know the world? That would be like me attacking religion for being too rational and skeptical.That's the supreme irony of the Thumpers who choose to drag out that tired old 'Athieism is a religion' canard. The 'Evolution is religion' bullshit follows the same logic.
The attempt to discredit those who ask for proof by attacking faith. Which is a faulty reasoning in the first place.
In the second place, and even more hilarious; it attacks the cornerstone of their own set of beliefs.
I just watched a National Geographics on how the world was created. PURE BULLSHIT! ha ha ha! I lost count of how many times they said BELIEVE in the show.
It was we BELIEVE this and we BELIEVE that....
Yep, that's science all right. Make REAL looking propaganda and use the BELIEVE loop hole to seal the deal.
But you athiest. how do you put life into perspective. I'm not bashing Athiest, I'm just asking how you get buy with an answer to the beginning if you can't lean on faith.
I'm just asking because Christians get bashed for always giving athiest the same old answer. But athiest...well we hear the same answer from YOU too. HA HA
I guess we just believe what ever we feel fits our acceptable reasoning.
But Christians have a history to read. Real people wrote the Bible. Real events, real people, real time line.
Athiest don't have that. They have speculation and science to give them HOPE but really who can PROVE science?
I mean a lot of shit has changes since they tried to PUSH evolution down MY throught when I was a kid. I had to deal with a LOT of propaganda. Fucking ape man villages, and cave man half humans. It was more like science fiction then science. Schools today don't show NEARLY as much of that shit as they used to.
Did you know that Evolutionist today disagree more then ever on the theory? I could look up the amount of theories out there but most athiest that pay attention would know what I'm talking about.
Really, is a Christian standpoint any different? I mean if we will some day be GODS why could a GOD not have made us?
Does any one doubt that we will some day be GODS our self the way we are going? Seriously.
They don't.... almost all of what you say atheist believe, is not what they believe. You are uneducated on the very subject you so smugly argue against. You are wearing your ignorance like a badge of honor.If athiest don't have FAITH how do they buy FAITH in Evolution???
Athiest and evolutionist certainly have a common ground. So if I refer to one and then another, it is because they share a common beliefe system. I am talking about people that matter and make a difference that changes something.
I was not talking about YOUR faith. Because you are not that important.
And that's being VERY honest.