if buds dry too quick can i up the humidity level?


Well-Known Member
if my buds are drying too quick can i up the humidity level on humdifier? it does not have a percentage gauge just a very dry and very moist, its set at halfway between them.. Or would a better solution to buds dryin too quick be to take out my fan blowin cool air in? or maybe just turn it off at night?thanks guys.
dnt have a fan blowing directy on them but have some airflow in the general area, personally i just hang the whole plant minus fan leaves in the tent with the extractor fan on leavin buds attached to the stem helps drying to fast
First timer, so feel free not to listen to me, but I've been dealing with the same thing. No humidifier though, so I just turned my fans down and pointed them a bit less on my buds. Also they are hanging in my bathroom (darkest room in the house that has space) so the humidity level is refreshed by the [occasional, lol] shower, I put the super dry nugs in a jar to cure as a test even though it's only been 3 days. There's a heat spike/record in my area of California right now, 100 outside and the humidity is 13% today!! So don't worry if they're drying out too fast, nature is just doing its thang. Unless the buds are dry enough that they're crumbling off to the touch I wouldn't worry too much, the outer layer should be a bit crispy. You can always up the humidity level and watch out for mold but if they're drying at their own pace common sense says to follow that pace, not to resist it.
Woah, woah, wait a second. You're drying your plants with a humidifier and they're drying to quickly? They should be growing mushrooms. You mean a DEhumidifier?
Rather than using a humidifier, decrease airflow on the plants themselves. With such low humidity, you could hang them in a wood or plastic box with the lid ajar. If you're able, colder temps will also slow drying as well. You could use the fan to cool the room if that's the coldest you can get it and hang the plants in a container isolated from the breeze.
i might sound stupid but whats bad about a plant drying in 4-5 days with no humidifier? i just use fans to circulate airflow, ive been told thats too fast should i really invest in a humidifier?
I am curious about this myself. Do you live in Colorado? The humidity here is usually non-existent. I put my stuff on a clothesline in a dark closet with no fan and as cool as I can manage. The stems snap in half within 3 days :( Would be nice to hear what other folks in 0 humidity environments are doing to extend their dry times. I have tried to water up until the end and have left the sugar leaves on with the same result. I haven't tried hanging the whole plant to dry. That just seems like the end trim would be three times as tedious. Would putting a humidifier in the drying closet invite mold?
Think of a pile of plants sealed in a sterilite container. They lose no moisture because the water can't get out of the container. Open it just a little and they will start to lose moisture. Open it all the way and/or blow air on them and they will dry even faster. When plants dry too fast, you just close the top further. You can keep slowing the drying process up until the top is sealed shut and the plants don't dry at all. There is absolutely no need for a humidifier if you want slower drying.
So basically put the weed directly into a mason jar environment (or whatever equivalent you reach through a different container) with 0 dry time?
More like, if the plants are drying too fast hanging in front of a fan then turn the fan off. If they still dry too fast then put them into a partially contained environment, similar to a mason jar with the top off but with the plants still hanging if possible. Some enclosed places you could hang them would be an armoire or similar wooden cabinet, a trash can or a small closet. You'd adjust how open the door or lid is to speed or slow drying. Alternatively, you could put trash bags over bunches of hanging plants to slow drying, the same way one would cover clothes on hangers before moving. Punch holes in the bags if it's too slow.
hahahahahha i personally wouldnt listen to anything this cat is saying..just me..the way im doing thing right now my buds are looking prime and more crystally everyday hanging as well as the smell is becomin more strong..fuck trashbags containers n all that bullshit...dark room 40-45 percent humididty with constant air flow..not a breeze on the buds its self but new air comin in and old air going out.