If everyone at the concert was armed this wouldnt of happened

The way you've presented that question seems as though you are seeking some kind of absolute and universal answer to what I think is the age that people gain the capacity to consent. I don't think there is one and I think the younger they are the less likely they have the capacity.

If something makes me feel uncomfortable about another persons behavior when do I have a right to make them stop it ?
All I want you to realize is that we have age limits to protect our youth. You seem to want to find loopholes to diddle kiddies.
All I want you to realize is that we have age limits to protect our youth. You seem to want to find loopholes to diddle kiddies.

I'm sorry that your mind first wanders to diddling kids when I merely assert that consent is crucial to creating peaceful human relations.
Tell that to Harry Truman, or LBJ or any other president who orders killed children, hypocrite. How many anti-war protests have you ever organized ?
It's kind of sickening you have to deflect from the topic. But we've had this conversation before haven't we.
I'm sorry that your mind first wanders to diddling kids when I merely assert that consent is crucial to creating peaceful human relations.
Please mind that I wish you would just admit that a 12 year old cannot consent to sex with an adult. The adult should go to prison
OMG:shock: Please don't tell me you are in to farm animals as well as seeking affection from children. Dude WTF is wrong with you

@SunnyJim taught me that clarity is very important before proceeding.

WTF is wrong with me? I could probably use a shower later and I really should vacuum out my truck like I had planned to. So, procrastination is the answer.
It's kind of sickening you have to deflect from the topic. But we've had this conversation before haven't we.

Well, truth be told we've never actually had a conversation. Our communication has been more like you appearing, making some snide remark and then fading away after I ask you something you can't answer.

Forgive me, if I confused you with one of the other jackals. I sometimes attribute what one has said to another.
Tell that to Harry Truman, or LBJ or any other president who orders killed children, hypocrite. How many anti-war protests have you ever organized ?

Wait a tick, you're rationale is that someone bombed schools, hospitals and neighborhoods and effectively coined the term terror bombing and they were United States citizens working for the United States military so that gives you the right to "consent" to sexual interactions with a child?
Please mind that I wish you would just admit that a 12 year old cannot consent to sex with an adult. The adult should go to prison

I wish I had my old motor cycle, it was a 72 Yamaha 650. Maybe someday, you'll get a bike, but your wife hasn't consented yet.
Wait a tick, you're rationale is that someone bombed schools, hospitals and neighborhoods and effectively coined the term terror bombing and they were United States citizens working for the United States military so that gives you the right to "consent" to sexual interactions with a child?

No, that's not it at all. I'm saying that if he thinks abusing children is bad (it is) he seems to grant government a pass when they MURDER them.
When I was 18 several chics lied about their age, saying they were 18 when they were 17. That didn't stop me, there isn't much of any difference between 17 and 18 but there is a huge difference between 13 and 31.
No, that's not it at all. I'm saying that if he thinks abusing children is bad (it is) he seems to grant government a pass when they MURDER them.

We allow women, children and the elderly to die innocently ever day we let our government to continue to spiral out of control.

The Revolution will not be televised.