If everyone at the concert was armed this wouldnt of happened

Brainwashed by the cultural marxist rhetoric. Not surprised, you are a dumbfuck.

man you Marxists are on fire tonight, don't elaborate on why I am wrong that you represent the economic models of marx, just say "dumbfuck" as a pat on the back for your feels and count the dopamine by your likes........quick, eliminate guns for when the depression of low like counts set in.

Laws without enforcement don't stop anything. Plenty of people with dementia own guns. They owned the guns and ammo then got sick. There is no way my neighbor would have given it up.


Also, the NRA lobbies hard to make enforcement of gun sale regulations ineffective. The time requirement is too short, funding is crap and everything is -- by law -- done on paper.

Don't regurgitate propaganda. The dribble down your shirt is a bad look.

you say legal first and now you know that has nothing to do with enforcement, ignorance or ineffective sales regulations like you say now. You are welcome for this clarification.

folks with full blown dementia are not legally allowed to carry a side arm.
Tell us more about your opposition to civil rights.

deflection ftl. the Democrat legislation opposed civil rights and besides strom thurmond, they never switched sides. how bout your boy r Byrd? democrat till death just like the rest of them.
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i own guns. it's either or not both.

get rid of all guns but derringers and people will still kill with them

get rid of all gunpowder guns and bb guns will kill still (22 cal with a well place shot)

how do people kill each other in Australia where they basically confiscated everything except for well regulated hunting arms.

human nature is the problem and the desire to kill.

The murder rate has dropped substantially in Australia since the gun buyback program in 96. The article I read said it's 0.1 murders per 100,000 people. The United States is many multiples higher than that. 5-6 per 100,000
man you Marxists are on fire tonight, don't elaborate on why I am wrong that you represent the economic models of marx, just say "dumbfuck" as a pat on the back for your feels and count the dopamine by your likes........quick, eliminate guns for when the depression of low like counts set in.


You are too stupid to argue with. That's why I just sit back and laugh.

Explain cultural marxism, I need another good laugh.
Uh huh. That's the same lame and incorrect arguement you used to keep your confederat heroes up. "next they will take away our statues of George Washington... Waaaaaaah!"

If you are in favor of removing undesirables, please self emigrate now.

deflection ftl. the Democrat legislation opposed civil rights and besides storm thurmond, they never switched sides. how bout your boy r Byrd? democrat till death just like the rest of them.

LMAO, you fell for the revisionist bullshit.

Tell me, was the civil rights movement left or right? Was it progressive liberal or conservative?

I keep asking that question but you dumb right wing goons never address it. Interesting, isn't it?
Hey @whitebb2727, you have been to a gun show yes? Like one of the manufacturer ones, not the resale ones. Look at how they use sex to sell these guns. Do you think that the guns on the right and left side of your graphic sell at the same rate? Using sex to sell a car is fine, a car is not meant to kill.

This is fucked up.
sex selling liquor and Carl's Jr. meant to sustain life though eh? or has your totalitian sentiment just not reached those issues yet......
LMAO, you fell for the revisionist bullshit.

Tell me, was the civil rights movement left or right? Was it progressive liberal or conservative?

I keep asking that question but you dumb right wing goons never address it. Interesting, isn't it?
left or right came from France where the conservative right wanted to conserve the monarchy and state religion....here in the us no such things have ever existed. conservative presently means comserving Jeffersonian Democratic Republican principles of the American revolution. revolution was something the French right opposed. even lincoln was conservative in "he who grows the corn should eat the corn".

civil rights were classically liberal by legislature. the movement though was what it is now. socialist.

your attempts to re-label definitions are dubious at best and echo late night class action lawsuit commercials.
you say legal first and now you know that has nothing to do with enforcement, ignorance or ineffective sales regulations like you say now. You are welcome for this clarification.

folks with full blown dementia are not legally allowed to carry a side arm.
I can't say I've ever heard of anybody losing their right to carry when they were diagnosed with dementia. They should. That might even be the law but it's not the reality.
left or right came from France where the conservative right wanted to conserve the monarchy and state religion....here in the us no such things have ever existed....revolution was something the French right opposed.

Obvious, useless information you condescending douche.

conservative presently means comserving Jeffersonian Democratic Republican principles of the American revolution. even lincoln was conservative in "he who grows the corn should eat the corn".

LMFAO, you actually believe that, don't you. So fucking stupid it must hurt.

civil rights were classically liberal by legislature. the movement though was what it is now. socialist.

Classical liberals owned slaves, dumbfuck. Logical to liberalism, sure, but in context it was progressive, and opposite of conservative, which claims to be classically liberal. Demographics matter to. But you omit facts in your mind to maintain your retarded revisionist narrative and "fake ideology" as fogdog puts it.

your attempts to re-label definitions are dubious at best and echo late night class action lawsuit commercials.

Because you typed it, I'm hoping you will read it to yourself again and again. Drill that shit in.
man you Marxists are on fire tonight, don't elaborate on why I am wrong that you represent the economic models of marx, just say "dumbfuck" as a pat on the back for your feels and count the dopamine by your likes........quick, eliminate guns for when the depression of low like counts set in.

deflection ftl. the Democrat legislation opposed civil rights and besides strom thurmond, they never switched sides. how bout your boy r Byrd? democrat till death just like the rest of them.
Jesse helms and others never switched sides either? Southern white conservatives like you who oppose civil rights are still democrats?


You are beyond fucked. As Bad as a holocaust denier.