if i accidentally cut off a marijuana leaf will it still grow?


Well-Known Member
my boyfriend was cutting those little things in between the leaves that are supposed to be cut, and he accidently cut the beloved 7 point leaf off so im just wondering if it'll still grow?????

im really scared it won't grow now.



Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Tell him to put the clippers down and step away from the plant wtf?. Are there any other leaves left on it? :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
yes it will still grow, why are you cutting anything off of the plant? If your talking about cutting off the internodes then you are supposed to leave them on the plant...


Well-Known Member
my boyfriend was cutting those little things in between the leaves that are supposed to be cut, and he accidently cut the beloved 7 point

what are those that he was cutting?? ? Your plant will be fine, missing one leaf wont hurt. But the problem is what ever your boyfriend is cutting. Nothing should be cut untill harvest. Unless you think your a know-it-all and it "produces the inner growth to develop" becasue thats plain bull shit. A plant utilizes the energy as a whole. The plant splits up the energy for the whole plant to utilize. Its going to keep every limb alive. Not disperse energy according to light. Its not like my body grows my upper body first because it eats the food first. Its used throughout, evenly.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
what are those that he was cutting?? ? Your plant will be fine, missing one leaf wont hurt. But the problem is what ever your boyfriend is cutting. Nothing should be cut untill harvest. Unless you think your a know-it-all and it "produces the inner growth to develop" becasue thats plain bull shit. A plant utilizes the energy as a whole. The plant splits up the energy for the whole plant to utilize. Its going to keep every limb alive. Not disperse according to light.
I agree, leave the leaves on the plant. Your boyfriend has been cut off, lol. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
his dad used to grow maui waui and fucking told him to cut those little things that look like tomatoes or some weird shit and so he was cutting them but he accidently cut off a leaf just one, but all the others are up so i was wondering if its just that one, if the plant will still grow. his dad was giving him pointers since he's a big stoner too.


Well-Known Member
I think you need to read the grow faq, top left it covers a lot of stuff from germination to harvesting... I can't think of anything on the herb plant that even comes close to resembling any part of the tomato plant!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
his dad used to grow maui waui and fucking told him to cut those little things that look like tomatoes or some weird shit and so he was cutting them but he accidently cut off a leaf just one, but all the others are up so i was wondering if its just that one, if the plant will still grow. his dad was giving him pointers since he's a big stoner too.

It will be fine, just do not cut anymore off. The plant need the leaves. Silly boys geesh. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
what are those that he was cutting?? ? Your plant will be fine, missing one leaf wont hurt. But the problem is what ever your boyfriend is cutting. Nothing should be cut untill harvest. Unless you think your a know-it-all and it "produces the inner growth to develop" becasue thats plain bull shit. A plant utilizes the energy as a whole. The plant splits up the energy for the whole plant to utilize. Its going to keep every limb alive. Not disperse energy according to light. Its not like my body grows my upper body first because it eats the food first. Its used throughout, evenly.
Probably the best statement ever to debunk all the late flower trimmers we see around. Rep for having common sense. :blsmoke: :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
his dad was giving him pointers since he's a big stoner too.
talk to the new stoners. they are more educated with new techniques. Im still pondering what the fuck these little tomatoe things could be. Could it be a male plant? Anywoo, I can see something going terribly wrong if you let him put his hands on mary jane. He doenst know what he's doing and neither does his father. I can help
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Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I think it is the new leaves coming in where the leaf stem and main stalk connect, if you know what I mean. Before the preflowers.
my boyfriend was cutting those little things in between the leaves that are supposed to be cut, and he accidently cut the beloved 7 point leaf off so im just wondering if it'll still grow?????

im really scared it won't grow now.

lol I literally just made an account to respond to this, nearly a decade late - all you guys are wrong - OP's boyfriend/stoner mentor is correct. I'm literally a botanist working on my undergrad. Only reason why I went through the trouble to make an account and post is the hopes someone else doesn't come across this misinformation, doubting any of you will read this bump. But please - don't be so confident with info you are so wrong about.

As for OP - yes it will grow back. Yes this method can increase yield.
(Doesn't quite resemble a tomato but I get the reference ) Google "main-lining" growing technique.
Brush up on nodes/cola.
Sheesh Louise I get this was 08 but do a little research before you guys give false advice on posts .


Well-Known Member
my boyfriend was cutting those little things in between the leaves that are supposed to be cut, and he accidently cut the beloved 7 point leaf off so im just wondering if it'll still grow?????

im really scared it won't grow now.


yes, the bits he cut off as well as the remaining ones are able to grow into full size plants.