If I go to a Nursery, what should I tell them I am growing?


I am buying a hyrdoponics system from a local nursery and the guy there said he would help me with any questions I have in the future about growing etc.. I cant tell him what Im really growing for obvious reasons but what should I tell him? I was thinking about just saying herbs but I wanna tell him a actual herb so I dont sound stupid. What other herbs grow similar to weed? Any help on this topic is greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
full scale commercial grow op of organic tomatos. Dude, when you walk in there, they already know before opening your mouth.


Is the growing process the same for weed and tomatoes? I ask that because he said he will tell me the whole process to grow it successfully and I want to make sure that if I listen to him and follow what he says that it will work for weed too. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Tell him it's for your mother, buy it walk away. Or tomatoes than buy walk away. All the help you need is right here, your here now aren't you. We here to help you.


PS In my experience guys in nursery's don't know that much about hydroponics unless they are using then on site. You will learn more here than he could ever think of learning. I'm not dissing them they just don't know or have the experience where you are going.


Well-Known Member
It's really none of his business unless you make it his business (ie asking him for help). You can try the tomato thing but like someone said up top they prob know the second you walk in, especially if you are like 19 years old or have any "pot smoker" stereotype features haha.


Well-Known Member
All the help you need on this site i think you are covered!

i would mention that research is the key to a successfull grow.

and the great community here at RIU will always help.

one thing i always mention when anyone embarks on a grow is make sure you have a PMP pest management program.

HOT SHOTS NO PEST STRIPS are supposed to be good.
NEEM OIL to help stop pests eating your plants

look into it early because as i found out its harder to get rid of them than to prevent them.

either tell him tomatoes or don't tell him , the chances are that he already has twigged what your doing. so i wouldnt worry.



Active Member
Tell him nothing its not their business what your doing with the stuff they sell you the only business they have is to sell you the stuff not what u do with it. Best thing to do is keep your mouth shut to everyone


Well-Known Member
The advice he will give you is that you should buy all kinds of stuff you dont really need. Be prepared when you walk in. Know what you want, buy it and leave. If you have to, thank him for the offer of advice and assure him you will ask him if you need his input.


Active Member
absoulutely tomatoes!!!! Tomatoes and marijuana have the same needs when it comes to growing. However I would say that I would have to agree with Woods up there that unless they have a actual tent set up in there or a hydroponic set up with plants growing in them then they usual are just sales people and just know how to charge you for it iwth very minimal knowledge +reps to you Woods

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Know what you want before you go. Do your homework and if they ask you if you need help ask specific questions about the products you want to purchase. They basically know yes but you basically don't ever gotta mention plants. If they ask, which they won't most likely, tell them your growing a vegetable garden(tomatos). Read the FAQs and answer your growing questions here than tell them what your looking for and they aren't gonna bullshit you and sell you something you don't need or really want.


Well-Known Member
most shops wont ask you , and they really don't want you to blab anything about weed. the only discussion i had with a shop was about ph meters, and that is nothing to do with a single plant. get in get out and pay with cash.


Well-Known Member
sorry to revive this zombie, but yeah i had to get tomato supplies today! the guy hoooked me up