if i got busted...


Well-Known Member
# of plants matters, i know im pennsylvania 11 plants or less just a misdemeanor, 12 or more felony check norml for your states specific laws


They chop the plant off at the base and weigh it, then they multiply each pound by 8000 dollars or more (because you could sell your 250 pounds of stalk and leaves by the dime bag) and pretty quickly you have a million dollar grow op. Then they tell the judge it was 50 plants worth over a million dollars on the street every 4 months.
Perhaps if you are super uncooperative, they hit you with every penalty possible and you get the max sentence for each...
Each pound multiplied by 8 grand sounds pretty unrealistic as well. But a pound is a pretty ridiculous amount. (at least to me)
I think about it like this....
If you're limit in your state for the line of misdemeanor/felony is lets say 5 plants. You're not going to get locked up for a misdemeanor possession or cultivation, at least not for more than a night or day or two. So everybody telling you you're fucked either way and you should just grow as much as possible are probably not the right people to take advice from. It makes no sense to me why someone would cross that line to a felony if its strictly for personal use. If it's not just personal then you got bigger problems than just the cultivation charge obviously. And i totally understand sometimes they will charge anyone cultivating with intent to distribute and what not but from my experiences with the justice system almost nobody gets what they "should" whether it be a murderer, rapist, or pot head. Even if you do get charged with EVERYTHING. Manufacture, possession, intent, and so on....It is fairly realistic to assume an intent charge would not
hold up for a couple plants. But it really all depends not only on the state, but the city, and the specific asshole who is busting you as well. Every situation will be dealt with differently depending on the factors.

That's just my $.02. 8)


Active Member
I think if I keep it under a lb. Ill be ok. I have a clean record.
One more question, does it really matter how many lights or grow tents I have or are they just about the plants. Afterall lights are legal. So if I was using 5000watts and five tents to grow 5 plants it would be the same as 1 tent/400watts and 5 plants? 5 plants either way.


Active Member
i had a few a few years ago and only my brother new about it. my brother told and showed his friend and luckily his friend told me about it. within the next couple of hours it was all chopped up and gone. lose lips sink ships. if no one knows and u grow smart then you are fine and dont need to worry.

lights and stuff shouldnt matter. once ur busted ur busted and i think only the plant has anything to do with the crime.(could be wrong)


Active Member
Maryland has provisions that you will have reduced sentencing maximums if it for medical purposes, but does not specify number of plants or weight at all for that matter.