If I was a Palestinian


Well-Known Member
If I was a palestinian and the Israelis stole my land I should just accept whatever land I can find and befriend them because they have a lot to offer?

Yes they have a lot to offer, my fucking land!

And I always knew there was something really wrong with Mickey Mouse, he wants Armageddon, great, sick fucker.


Well-Known Member
You've gotta know by now how many insane ass Christian nutjobs put out videos too buddy, I've actually dedicated my own thread to it - https://www.rollitup.org/spirituality-sexuality-philosophy/291100-products-creationism.html

So why is it OK for you to say something like "that's not indicative of Christianity, that's just a few nutty Christians" but I can't say the same thing about the videos you posted and Islam? What's the difference?

What it proves is that you can take an entire people and culture that has been around for centuries and generalize them all into "terrorist" because your racism towards Arab people is clouding your judgment.

Fuck you're so stupid dude, what the hell do you think Christianity is doing? Indoctrinating our youth to go annihilate another group of people, and look at you, what you're doing, endorsing it.

Padawan, could you please post a list of terrorist attacks committed by Christians in the last year - or ten years.

Can you also post similar videos in which Christian children in this day and age are being indoctrinated to become suicide bombers.

Don't respond with any more of your stupid, bullshit lies - just post proof.


Well-Known Member
If I was a palestinian and the Israelis stole my land I should just accept whatever land I can find and befriend them because they have a lot to offer?

Yes they have a lot to offer, my fucking land!

And I always knew there was something really wrong with Mickey Mouse, he wants Armageddon, great, sick fucker.
Can you produce physical evidence of this allegedly stolen land? Can you produce a picture of a formerly Palestinian neighborhood that was stolen? How about a deed of some type? Do you have a plot map of some kind? How about receipts for building materials used to construct these Palestinian homes? Any aerial photos? Anything at all?

In fact, can you produce evidence of a sovereign nation called "Palestine"? What were the name of their leaders and what type of government did they have? What was their unit of currency? Do you have census data for the region? Before the Jews began building up the area, how many Palestinians lived there?


Well-Known Member
So, I guess the fact that 100% of the Arab-Israeli conflict ultimately stems from Muslim anti-Semitism and Muslim belligerence and the fact that it was 100% avoidable had the Muslims simply chosen peace, is irrelevant.
I'd have to agree with what ginja said above. I think it's way too far a stretch for you talk about palestinian perspective. I have no love for muslim fanatics... but to say that israel is totally innocent in this mess seems a bit ridiculous IMO. Personally, I'd put a lot more blame on islamic zealots than on israel, but israel has done plenty to make things worse.


Well-Known Member
I'd have to agree with what ginja said above. I think it's way too far a stretch for you talk about palestinian perspective. I have no love for muslim fanatics... but to say that israel is totally innocent in this mess seems a bit ridiculous IMO. Personally, I'd put a lot more blame on islamic zealots than on israel, but israel has done plenty to make things worse.
Who said I'm talking about the Palestinian perspective?

The OP was written as an example of how a rational, moral person would deal with the situation. The piece was intended to be in stark contrast to the way the Muslims see the issue. Is my writing style really that unclear?

Let me try to put this another way. In 1941 we used nuclear weapons against Hiroshima and Nagasaki and vaporized thousands of people. After that, we set up military bases in Japan and prohibited them from rebuilding their military. So what did they do? Well, they could have chosen the path that the Muslims chose; obviously they had the balls for it. After all, this is the nation that invented the Kamikaze. But instead, they accepted defeat and made a rational decision to choose a different tact. Look at where they are now.

Also, before criticizing Israel, consider this. Consider that even after the Holocaust, there were no acts of terror committed upon German citizens. If anyone had a reason to want to commit such acts it was the survivors and their descendants. The Jews of Eastern Europe had everything taken from them. They had entire blood lines forever erased from the face of the Earth. many survivors lost every one of their relatives - husbands, wifes, children, aunts, uncles, grandparents - everyone. They also lost all of their wealth, their homes and years of their lives.

Surely, if one can sympathies with the Palestinians, that person must also wonder why those survivors never sought revenge. They did spend years hunting down those responsible and bringing them to justice, but they never struck against German citizens. They didn't do it because their morality wouldn't allow them to do so.

That, is precisely the reason you do not see Jews in Israel committing terror attacks against Arabs. In fact, when Israel does take military action, the injured Arabs receive the exact same treatment as do Jews with no preference to either. Surely, if they wanted to, the Israelis could commit acts of terror on a far larger scale. They don't because of their morality.

Now of course it is true that civilians are killed when the IDF goes after Hamas and other targets, this is always unavoidable. But they do not target innocent civilians.

If you want some great insight into the vast difference between the morality of the two people, watch this video. It is long, but if you want an excellent real life account and a great understanding of what is really going on, it is worth watching.



Well-Known Member
Who said I'm talking about the Palestinian perspective?

The OP was written as an example of how a rational, moral person would deal with the situation. The piece was intended to be in stark contrast to the way the Muslims see the issue. Is my writing style really that unclear?
you don't have clue as to how ironic this is, do you? your writing style is fine, it's your inability to see from the Palestinian perspective that is ironic in light of the OP. for one thing there is no one Muslim perspective, for another you make no REAL attempt to see from a perspective other than your own.


Well-Known Member
you don't have clue as to how ironic this is, do you? your writing style is fine, it's your inability to see from the Palestinian perspective that is ironic in light of the OP.
Are you joking? I know their perspective all too well, it just isn't what I am writing about. Their perspective comes from years of absolute indoctrination and a life of being immersed in a culture of violence and hate. Did you watch the videos I posted? Their children's texts include hatred of Jews rivaling anything in Nazi Germany. They learn math through story problems such as "If there are 10 Jews and you kill 5, how many more must you kill?"

I would assume just about anyone raised in that environment would be a seriously deranged individual. But if you don't know that it is there own people that intentionally cause this, you ought to educate you self before speaking.


Well-Known Member
Can you produce physical evidence of this allegedly stolen land? Can you produce a picture of a formerly Palestinian neighborhood that was stolen? How about a deed of some type? Do you have a plot map of some kind? How about receipts for building materials used to construct these Palestinian homes? Any aerial photos? Anything at all?

In fact, can you produce evidence of a sovereign nation called "Palestine"? What were the name of their leaders and what type of government did they have? What was their unit of currency? Do you have census data for the region? Before the Jews began building up the area, how many Palestinians lived there?



New Member
Some people just can't see the light, even if it is directly in their face. Trying to convince most of those on the right that palestinians are even human is a way futile task, sort of like pissing into the wind. They have no ability to feel compassion, they are sick, psychotic actually. They see things without a conscience. They are always right and anyone trying to convince them otherwise is always wrong. The have no ability to compromise, it is their way or the highway, Brickheads all. OK, I'm bored, adios.


Well-Known Member
Padawan, could you please post a list of terrorist attacks committed by Christians in the last year - or ten years.
Well, that of course would be subjective, as you and I definitely do not agree on what "terrorism" or "terrorist" is - as already illustrated by this thread I started a while back - https://www.rollitup.org/politics/283273-would-you-insurgent.html.

But I would consider the Popes opposition to condom usage an act of terror. The man knows they reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS, and if he doesn't, he's not qualified to be in a position to tell millions, if not billions of believers they're useless, indirectly causing the infection and death of tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people, himself.

The Iraq war is an act of terrorism.

The Drug war against the American people is an act of terrorism - who brought that on again? It couldn't have been conservative Christian groups could it it??

Waco, TX

Ruby Ridge, TX

OK City Bombing

Don't forget about this group of wonderful people; http://www.disinfo.com/2010/04/is-christian-terrorism-growing-in-the-united-states/

Scott Roeder

The good ol' KKK

How bout international?

The National Liberation Front of Tripura is into forced conversion to Christianity and India ranks that organization as on of the ten most active terrorist organizations.

Sons of Freedom in Canada

The Northern Ireland conflicts

Iron Guard in Romania

The Russian National Unity Party has been accused of several terrorist attacks, including the bombing of the US consulate in Ekaterinburg

The Lords Resistance Army in Uganda

That's just a start...

Can you also post similar videos in which Christian children in this day and age are being indoctrinated to become suicide bombers.
Probably not, as we live in a pretty developed society, by most standards. But like I always try to tell to you but you never understand, physical abuse is not the only kind of abuse, and the mental anguish a lot of Christian children face is just as bad if not worse as it influences their future decisions, which affect everyone else. So while physical abuse might harm the child, which is terrible, mental abuse harms the childs mind, which is much worse, and worse yet, they go on to harm other people too.

Did you see my JESUSGASM!! video?! lmfao


Well-Known Member
Padawan, we are all well aware of your hatred of religion but that is not what I asked. Nor, did I ask your opinion of things you think are similar to terrorism.

What I asked was for you to post actual information regarding acts of terror (according to the accepted definition) committed on behalf of Christianity. So you know, terrorism is defined as an act of violence in which terror is used to accomplish a political goal.

Most of what you posted is not terrorism at all. And you didn't even post any actual events, just the names of people who's ideology you agree with. The actual events you did post were not terrorist acts.

I'll ask again - what terrorist acts (as defined) have been committed for the purpose of expanding the influence of Christianity?


Active Member
Im married to a Palistinian and there crazy as shit. I cant say what I would do, because Im not arab. But I can tell you that these people are fighters and dont back down. Palstinians think smart and are not just causing ruckus for a piece of land. Its the point. How can you say what you would do if you dont live there. Talkin out your ass bro.


Active Member
Padawan, we are all well aware of your hatred of religion but that is not what I asked. Nor, did I ask your opinion of things you think are similar to terrorism.

What I asked was for you to post actual information regarding acts of terror (according to the accepted definition) committed on behalf of Christianity. So you know, terrorism is defined as an act of violence in which terror is used to accomplish a political goal.

Most of what you posted is not terrorism at all. And you didn't even post any actual events, just the names of people who's ideology you agree with. The actual events you did post were not terrorist acts.

I'll ask again - what terrorist acts (as defined) have been committed for the purpose of expanding the influence of Christianity?
I dont know of any, but no one is trying to take over america either. Try to take our christianity away and watch what we DO.


Well-Known Member
I dont know of any, but no one is trying to take over america either. Try to take our christianity away and watch what we DO.
take away chrisianity and the christians will find something else to worship.
christians never beleive that 'shit happens'. it's always 'gods will'.
so they need something to blame for bad shit and someone to praise for good shit.
taking away religion from christians is like removing dirt from under the grass.
there's always more dirt.


New Member
Im married to a Palistinian and there crazy as shit. I cant say what I would do, because Im not arab. But I can tell you that these people are fighters and dont back down. Palstinians think smart and are not just causing ruckus for a piece of land. Its the point. How can you say what you would do if you dont live there. Talkin out your ass bro.
They have been living there for thousands of years, while the majority of Jews are transplants from accross the globe.



Well-Known Member
Padawan, could you please post a list of terrorist attacks committed by Christians in the last year - or ten years.

Can you also post similar videos in which Christian children in this day and age are being indoctrinated to become suicide bombers.

Don't respond with any more of your stupid, bullshit lies - just post proof.
What I asked was for you to post actual information regarding acts of terror (according to the accepted definition) committed on behalf of Christianity. So you know, terrorism is defined as an act of violence in which terror is used to accomplish a political goal.QUOTE]

You asked two different things. Are you so full of shit that you cant keep track of what you said?

OH, and could you show us a deed to Israel? Since you wanted to see one for Palistine, I thought you must have a copy of the one for Israel.

Just for the record, I think we should nuke the whole fucking bunch of them. Both sides. Equal opportunity incineration! :fire:


Well-Known Member
someone send rick white to gaza without a return ticket.

LOL i can see him now going round to the palestinians to explain how he understands their plight while telling them its all their own fault and quite frankly how suprised he is that they havent moved yet.
with such understanding as his how could they not listen?