If Medicare is better than private insurance...

Name calling with nothing to add, that about sums up all you contributed since you have decided to stop pretending to be whatever weirdo you were before this new racist version of your sock puppet.

I'm not racist one bit and think all races have something unique and interesting to add to our wonderful society. While you SJWs hate on white people, especially males, and more so if they're Christian too. When you get backed into a corner, with nothing else to say, "racist!" I thought you were better than that, from the limited conversations and PMs we had. Guess I was wrong and you're just part of the sheeple, "he hurt my feelings teacher! He's weirdo racist. I need my safe space!"

You can't find one statement I've posted which is in any way racist. Go try. You won't find any.

Telling the truth about how you'll never hurt the feelings of any white person, more than yours are by the fantasies you come up with, is all on you, not me.

At least you didn't hurt my feelings. The only thing I feel is slightly disappointed in you, but not at all surprised.

I got a clue what kind of person you truly were when posting those anti-white males in a cage memes, in response to something that wasn't racial at all. Which means, you got some serious demons to overcome, that only you can get rid of, and blaming others won't ever help.

I was once like you and blamed others for all the stupidity I did in my life, but then one day I woke up and realized the only person holding me back was myself, and from then on became a much happier person.

I wish you luck.
I'm not racist one bit and think all races have something unique and interesting to add to our wonderful society. While you SJWs hate on white people, especially males, and more so if they're Christian too. When you get backed into a corner, with nothing else to say, "racist!" I thought you were better than that, from the limited conversations and PMs we had. Guess I was wrong and you're just part of the sheeple, "he hurt my feelings teacher! He's weirdo racist. I need my safe space!"

You can't find one statement I've posted which is in any way racist. Go try. You won't find any.

Telling the truth about how you'll never hurt the feelings of any white person, more than yours are by the fantasies you come up with, is all on you, not me.

At least you didn't hurt my feelings. The only thing I feel is slightly disappointed in you, but not at all surprised.

I got a clue what kind of person you truly were when posting those anti-white males in a cage memes, in response to something that wasn't racial at all. Which means, you got some serious demons to overcome, that only you can get rid of, and blaming others won't ever help.

I was once like you and blamed others for all the stupidity I did in my life, but then one day I woke up and realized the only person holding me back was myself, and from then on became a much happier person.

I wish you luck.
I guess you forgot what you wrote a few minutes ago?

You do know that's a compliment?

whip-cracker : one that cracks a whip : one who adopts or applies an authoritative, tyrannical, or threatening approach or policy.

It's funny how people like you think it's an insult. If you called me that, I'd consider it a badge of honor, because then you'd be admitting I'm better than you!

You thinking a slave master is 'better' is pretty fucking racist.
I guess you forgot what you wrote a few minutes ago?

You thinking a slave master is 'better' is pretty fucking racist.

Look closely, the definition doesn't include "slave master." I was just pointing out, how is admitting the other person has authoritive control over you an insult? I'm personally smart enough to know if I used a term calling them out for their very control which is what they want in the first place isn't an insult.

But even so, who in their right mind would think saying "hey you're my master!" is insulting? Pointing out a stupid insult is stupid, isn't racist. But you could argue the one saying that "insult" is both.

I'm just trying to tell you, every time you say those stupid "insults" to white people, they aren't raging inside they're trying their damned best not to laugh hysterically at you.
Look closely, the definition doesn't include "slave master." I was just pointing out, how is admitting the other person has authoritive control over you an insult? I'm personally smart enough to know if I used a term calling them out for their very control which is what they want in the first place isn't an insult.

But even so, who in their right mind would think saying "hey you're my master!" is insulting? Pointing out a stupid insult is stupid, isn't racist. But you could argue the one saying that "insult" is both.

I'm just trying to tell you, every time you say those stupid "insults" to white people, they aren't raging inside they're trying their damned best not to laugh hysterically at you.
stfu cracker
Look closely, the definition doesn't include "slave master." I was just pointing out, how is admitting the other person has authoritive control over you an insult? I'm personally smart enough to know if I used a term calling them out for their very control which is what they want in the first place isn't an insult.

But even so, who in their right mind would think saying "hey you're my master!" is insulting? Pointing out a stupid insult is stupid, isn't racist. But you could argue the one saying that "insult" is both.

I'm just trying to tell you, every time you say those stupid "insults" to white people, they aren't raging inside they're trying their damned best not to laugh hysterically at you.

Notice in none of that did you deny just coming here to troll us.
Notice in none of that did you deny just coming here to troll us.

Think what you want. Your opinions now mean nothing to me. But if your rants make you feel better, go right ahead, and keep them up. You know how I really feel. Why do I need to deny or justify what I consider a stupid accusation?

If you ever get a clue that: white men(also especially Christians) aren't this imaginary Devil, Russian memes are just potentially funny to some(not an invasion plot), and those who disagree with you aren't necessarily racist; then hit me up. Otherwise have fun pounding sand.

Because AC was the one calling people racist names, and I laughed at him for it, but you complain at me. Makes sense, in some bizarro universe we now apparently live in.
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It wouldn't even take that long to ragequit again, cocksauce.

I don't eat cocksauce. It contains sodium bisulfate which cause respritory distress, reproductive organ failure, and hives. The stuff is banned by the FDA for all fresh foods, because it causes death.

Just say no to cocksauce!

Nope. Cocksauce or Cock Sauce is a brand of hot sauce with a rooster. Nothing white pops up when you search it on Google. Why is everything racial with you? Try Googling it yourself. Not one thing white pops up.

Wrong again, grand dragon. Cocksauce is not cock sauce. Maybe have a steak and stop being an emotionally unstable weakling.
Wrong again, grand dragon. Cocksauce is not cock sauce. Maybe have a steak and stop being an emotionally unstable weakling.
If you ever come over, I'll be glad to show you how I make my own vegan certified cock sauce. It's absolutely delicious, everyone who's tried it agrees, and can't get enough. I'll even give you a free sample. Then from now on you'll never have to pay for cock sauce again.
He's just desperate to bury the good posts of this thread under pages of trolling, he'll be gone again soon.

You're not interested in a good discussion. All you want is a one sided conversation, which promotes your contrarian mixed up view where you can't decide what you really believe.

You then pick on Paddy's what you consider lack of intelligence, based on what's really his plea to emotion, while you do the exact same thing, by your random racial epitaphs and homophobic slurs which suit your fancy and agenda at a particular moment.