If my plants were people theyd be taking me to court by now... -root rot diagnosis?


Active Member
Hi all. First timer here. Nothing but problems since week 2 in this grand experiment. It seems the second I get a grasp on one problem another one emerges. Now on week 4 and the growth is pretty stunted (sitting at about 6-8 inches). I feel like im balancing on one foot on top of a mountain with these guys.

Can anyone let me know if this looks like root rot? It is slimy to the feel and the hairs that were previously on the root have disappeared. I don't really smell anything so not sure.

Most seriously though is that I noticed this today b/c one of my plants was just about falling over. I felt the rockwool and it was hard and bone dry. Turns out several of the plants have significantly slowed or even stopped their water uptake. Within 15 min of watering them all by hand they perked up and look for the most part normal.

This only is affecting some of the plants in the res. The last picture is one the healthier looking roots that is also in the same res for reference.

Any help is greatly appreciated.




Well-Known Member
I'd use H2O2 and maybe add some more air to your water. I've had worse looking roots turn around.