If NeL is done growing forever..........


Well-Known Member
seriously dude such a buzz kill. its got me thinking about quitting my shit too. its only 2 plants so its not like i'd be abandoning much.


Well-Known Member
I'll stop growing when they pry my watering can from my cold dead fingers!



Active Member
Yea, thats some bull shit. I cant believe that shit happened.

Hope hes OK. Guerrilla growers really take a lot of risk. You really have to think about the consequences sometimes and this is just a dose of reality.

Be safe everyone! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Having never felt comfortable outside. This will be the last year for me too.
Just too many people around.

Presently working up a indore plan / site.
Better safe than sorry I guess. But sure gonna miss the outdoor stuff.


Well-Known Member
ya i will keep growing till they throw my ass beghind bars if thats what it takes to end this prohibition then thats what we need to do we have the right to break these unjust laws!


Well-Known Member
wont find me stopping anytime soon i feel quite at home outdoors. grew indoors for years and indoor pot cant hold a candle at what the sweet sun and natural environment can do. dont argue its my opinion. people think differant. dont get 2 lbs+ on indoor plants not unless you want half dozen 1000 watters even then sog produces more then you have to look at depressing 2' plants. fuck that i do that for a hobby when im bored. im sure these two guys are perfectly safe and sound and growing fine just got scared becouse they were posting over their heads. post to much and brag to much your going to get paranoid. i do and im not a top dog around here just show a few plants now and then.


Well-Known Member
TYPE this into goolge, it wont show up if you type it in the RIU search bar.

"NEL" site:rollitup.org


Well-Known Member
got it got it..i knew he was a massive od grower but wasnt sure if he was like famous or something....sorry nel...hope your not in prison over a fucking plant


Active Member
His plants were destroyed and he quit growing. That's all we know.

Who else got busted? I read something on his thread "It's an unfortunate day for Rollitup."


Well-Known Member
first off if my grow was that big i would deffinelty not be posting it on the internet no the best idea just my oppion.