If no one helps me my plant might die!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey wtf its bin 2 days my lower leafs on my mother (in avatar ) have bin turning yellow slowly, wtf is going on ???? I water it twice a day at 12 am and 12 pm ( 12am with nutrients , 12pm with ormones), Had 200 watter cfl , changed 2day for a 400 watter hps .Wat can be causing this??


Well-Known Member
My water techinque might not be so super , i toke 2 x 2litter bottles of sink water and added about 2-3 mls of ormones in one for midnight and a litle pinch of nutriends for 12am . Should i chek the ph?


Well-Known Member
wut u do is first put the nutes into the water then when ur all done ph the water ....i was doing it wrong at first ...i was phing the water first then puttin n the nutes....and what it was doing was throwing off the ph with all the nutes being added........:joint:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Umm water ph is different everytime.You need a ph meter.Fill the bottle add your nutes mix check the ph then use ph up or down depending on where the ph is. I use MG moisture control soil and use ph 6.8 wtare other use no nute soil and use ph 7 water..Also the cfl wasnt enough light so the lower wasnt getting enough light to do photosynthesis.You adding nitrogen feed?


Well-Known Member
for soil always dont matter its a cup or gallons of water it should be between 6.0-7.0...........:joint:


Well-Known Member
thx all , but should this be the problem of my plant? 6-7 leafs yellow in the bottom.could it be some deasseases?


Well-Known Member
could be too like lack of nitrogen like FF mention what are you giving it n e wayz................:joint:


Well-Known Member
I bought this plant all started , took picture in avatar day i got it , for a week or more i was using it on 200watt cfl at about 3 inches from my plant , and 2day i added a 400 watter hps and toke off the cfl . maybe the cfl wasint enough lite down?


Well-Known Member
The pot im growing in is like 6 inches round at the bottom and 8 inch at the top with 8 inch tall, i give it SuperNatural Branded Gro terra ( use for vegetative growth ) and in my night watter bottle 4 ml about of (power thrive) B1 solution vitamin


Well-Known Member
if your pH isnt right where it needs to be, it can cause more than just one deff. in the plant. it wont allow it to take it the nutes that you give it


Well-Known Member
is that foil ur using as reflective material??? if so get rid of it cuz all its gonna do is create problems down the line....as for the yellowing doesnt look that big of a deal ...just ph and ull be fine...........:joint: