If obama gets 1million votes he will consider making pot legal


Well-Known Member
why is obama on that picture with the caption "yes we can(nabis).... Cause he isnt pot friendly. It should have a picture of Marc Emery, my newest hero

And JohnnyO... Great post :clap:
shit even ron paul hes the shit tbh but imo obama just gave a safe answer to prevent backlash from conservatives. he did admit that he believes that we are losing the war on drugs and that we need to reform our drug laws so who really knows what his objective is.


Well-Known Member
If you believe Conservatives are a bigger threat than Liberals you are kidding yourself.

Obama's ojective is identical to the Democratic Party's objective: Control. Re-legalization is not a component of that objective.

NEITHER side really gives a shit about cannabis re-legalization. Accept it and free your mind from such a bi-polar mindset.

But every coin has more than two sides: The edge is a side, too. To most people, the two flat sides are the most obvious - nothing more.


Well-Known Member
I know they don't give a shit, otherwise something more would have been don already but the do obviously care enough to try to enforce the laws and to keep it illegal if they really didn't care why would they care if it was legal or not other than admitting that they were wrong for more than a hundred years. As for the politicians wether there to the left or the right there all in each others asses wriggling around this country is fubar so much shit wrong credit card companies are rapists big oil rasies gas prices everytime the stock market goes up pharm companies own the medical system tbh i wish i could just disapear into the great white north to sustain myself and not give a shit what happens with the rest of you poor souls until the blow us all into oblivion in a nuclear war with Iran or Korea hell us might get the bright idea to fuck with china im just waiting for them to get tired of our shit and blow us of the face of the earth


Well-Known Member
Politics on both sides are winning the war on POLARIZING Americans.
not me fuck bolth sides I'm the type that dream about community where people take care of each other share what they have and don't use money and peace weed and love but that's isn't in most people so it will never happen it is human nature to steal and harm it seems everyone for themselves fuck everyone else right?


Well-Known Member
I know they don't give a shit, otherwise something more would have been don already but the do obviously care enough to try to enforce the laws and to keep it illegal if they really didn't care why would they care if it was legal or not other than admitting that they were wrong for more than a hundred years. As for the politicians wether there to the left or the right there all in each others asses wriggling around this country is fubar so much shit wrong credit card companies are rapists big oil rasies gas prices everytime the stock market goes up pharm companies own the medical system tbh i wish i could just disapear into the great white north to sustain myself and not give a shit what happens with the rest of you poor souls until the blow us all into oblivion in a nuclear war with Iran or Korea hell us might get the bright idea to fuck with china im just waiting for them to get tired of our shit and blow us of the face of the earth
wow i really just got neg repped for stating my opinon that's not even cool shit im sure some people have felt the same way before and it not like i wouldnt help others find peace in nature if i were to do that and thats what they wanted i just dont really have any faith in anyone but myself right now but that my problem i guess shitty i got neg rep 'oh well


why is obama on that picture with the caption "yes we can(nabis).... Cause he isnt pot friendly. It should have a picture of Marc Emery, my newest hero

And JohnnyO... Great post :clap:

didn't make it myself like aint from America thought some people who are tho might get a bit of a kick out of it


Well-Known Member
yeah anyway back on topic what I am going to do is start a few petition in Michigan to try to get some of what California has on there list. Then work from there, does anyone know if Indiana is trying to pass medical marijuana?


Well-Known Member
There is a hierarchy of political influence.

Petitions are extremely low on the list. On par with telephone calls and emails. All of which are vulnerable to deceptive practices because anybody can sign, call, and email as many times as they wish.

Personal letters (not form letters) are better as long as you are a constituent.

Public testimony
in a committee hearing is higher still.

But the most potent influence is money.

Which is why I encourage everyone interested in re-legalization to join a pro-cannabis lobby and spend their money on cannabis-friendly concerns. Money is power in politics.

And power is everything.


New Member
What is the point of signing ur name? By the latest survey 12 million americans smoked weed in the past month.

So Obama already knows that 12 million smoke it fairly regularly. Why does 1 million signatures make him do anything.

I hardly see the media being friendly to weed, more like the opposite. I can hear the chuckles and derisive glares from the TV right now.

I just think Obama already knows.... work on MMj..... work it through the states....the way the founding fathers intended.... that's the only way to force the feds to stand down.


Well-Known Member
work on MMj..... work it through the states....the way the founding fathers intended.... that's the only way to force the feds to stand down.
exactly and if your state has it work on adding acceptable conditions like i plan i doing anyone from michigan have insomnia?


Well-Known Member
maybe we need to change the media to get it legal seeing as nearly everyone lives in front of there TV and listens to there radio and goes on the internet, peoples opinions are influence heavily by media, refer madness for instance, if the media actually broadcasted the truth about marijuana openly I think re-legalization would come a lot sooner with less resistance, maybe a million video testimonials about how weed has helped people need to be sent to obama and news stations legal medical users only though I would never suggest a recreational user to incriminate themselves in that way unless they want to fill the jails to the point where they just stop arresting people for marijuana ''crimes''


New Member
If weed was unknown and just now discovered in some hidden cove by botanical prospectors, it would be hailed as a miracle drug ... the next aspirin of the 21st century.

How's that for hypocrisy.

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
What is the point of signing ur name? By the latest survey 12 million americans smoked weed in the past month.

So Obama already knows that 12 million smoke it fairly regularly. Why does 1 million signatures make him do anything.

I hardly see the media being friendly to weed, more like the opposite. I can hear the chuckles and derisive glares from the TV right now.

I just think Obama already knows.... work on MMj..... work it through the states....the way the founding fathers intended.... that's the only way to force the feds to stand down.
i sent my mmj. papers in for the state of F.L. BUT I was PRETTY NERVOUS about doing it .