If someone just smoked w/o you would you spark up????


Well-Known Member
weeds comunal fucking what? dude if thye sparked without u light up without them. this idea of weed is just something if one guy has shown then everyone smokes it, pretty much needs to die. provide your own if you want to get stoned.


Well-Known Member
weeds comunal fucking what? dude if thye sparked without u light up without them. this idea of weed is just something if one guy has shown then everyone smokes it, pretty much needs to die. provide your own if you want to get stoned.
Yeah, I'm a giving guy, but I never got that either. If I cracked a beer in my house, it doesn't entitle you to my beer; why does packing a bowl entitle other folks to your weed? Sure, I have no problems sharing, but being expected to is a bit silly.


Staff member
sounds like someone is still in highschool thats what we used to do in highschool , passed the bowl no matter what


Well-Known Member
Who cares if they smoked without you, it's weed not greed. Smoke it and if they say something to you tell them to shove it :D


Well-Known Member
Feeling sorry for the last kid ... by the time it's passed to him he is burning his lips on the roach desperately trying to get his fair share
although the roach is most likely full of spit from all the guys beforehand, that may just cool it down a tad
i'm just glad i was never that last guy lol



Well-Known Member
Depends if you were there or not when they smoked without you. But 9 times out of 10 i share. Unless im just like, fuck that guy.


Active Member
Step 1. Grab Bong
Step 2. Grab Weed
Step 3. Face Friends
Step 4. Clear Bowl
Step 5. Hold Hit
Step 6. Blow Hit At Friends
Step 7. Smile, Pick Up Weed, Walk Out

Repeat As Necessary

Or be like me, roll a fat blunt of dank shit you got because it's way better than their weed and pass it around and when people compliment you just smile and bask in success


Well-Known Member
I don't understand, there have been times when I went out by myself and by the time I got back into the house, I smoked with every single person who wanted to puff one, as long as my bag has got green in it we're going to be smiling.
Yes I understand it's cost thing, what isn't now a days but what I'm getting at is this...you buy it to smoke it right, you're not going to sit there and say "dude check it, this shit sparkles she's got so much sugar on it, but we ain't gonna smoke her though, she just for look'n at".

But that's me