obsessing for weeks over use of a single adjective.
diagnosis: anal anguish
prescription: fail more IRL, so that the internet is not so painful for you.
Actual butthurt ^^?
less refined.
It is definitely every 13-year-old boy's dream (except Bruce, er, Cait Jenner) to have sex with every adult playboy model he sees. If that is wrong, then every boy is a pedophile (except Cait Jenner and that little homosexual boy who cried on national TV because his principal wouldn't let him announce he was gay in his valedictorian speech - and the little bitch cried like a wimpy girl).
adults should not be having sex with 13 year olds.
my mind works very different to yours
It is definitely every 13-year-old boy's dream (except Bruce, er, Cait Jenner) to have sex with every adult playboy model he sees. If that is wrong, then every boy is a pedophile (except Cait Jenner and that little homosexual boy who cried on national TV because his principal wouldn't let him announce he was gay in his valedictorian speech - and the little bitch cried like a wimpy girl).
if health concerns were your objection, then why did you so vocally condemn it as a sexual act?
Nobody thinks it is a good thing that you were molested by a pedophile when you were a child.So when someone says they had sex when they were under 18 apparently means that when said person reaches 18 they obviously would want to have sex with someone that is younger than 18?
just couldn't understand why you was ok with Ritual that has kill a new born babies