if someone says a 13 year old can consent to sex with an adult

obsessing for weeks over use of a single adjective.

diagnosis: anal anguish

prescription: fail more IRL, so that the internet is not so painful for you.
It is definitely every 13-year-old boy's dream (except Bruce, er, Cait Jenner) to have sex with every adult playboy model he sees. If that is wrong, then every boy is a pedophile (except Cait Jenner and that little homosexual boy who cried on national TV because his principal wouldn't let him announce he was gay in his valedictorian speech - and the little bitch cried like a wimpy girl).
It is definitely every 13-year-old boy's dream (except Bruce, er, Cait Jenner) to have sex with every adult playboy model he sees. If that is wrong, then every boy is a pedophile (except Cait Jenner and that little homosexual boy who cried on national TV because his principal wouldn't let him announce he was gay in his valedictorian speech - and the little bitch cried like a wimpy girl).

adults should not be having sex with 13 year olds.

you may call it a dream when rob roy has sex with your 13 year old daughter, but the rest of us call that sexual molestation of a minor and pedophilia.

thanks for coming out as a pedophile though, goes well with your white supremacy and dreams of killing doctors.
UB did you write this post

"that's an actual "sincerely held" religious belief practiced by a small, small percentage of the most orthodox jews on the planet.

there is nothing wrong with it at all

and did you come out with this comment

did you get an erection when you washed your children before they were old enough to wash themselves?

and this one

and now you are taking about 80 year old rob roy having sex with your 13 year old daughter

I don't know whats going on in your mind but its wired at best

all i said is me and my friend had girl friends at school and some of them had sex,
don't know what to say to the comments your making my mind works very different to yours
It is definitely every 13-year-old boy's dream (except Bruce, er, Cait Jenner) to have sex with every adult playboy model he sees. If that is wrong, then every boy is a pedophile (except Cait Jenner and that little homosexual boy who cried on national TV because his principal wouldn't let him announce he was gay in his valedictorian speech - and the little bitch cried like a wimpy girl).

Was Elvis a pedo ? or was Priscilla 14 ?
Jerry lee Lewis 22 and his 13 year old wife/cousin
if health concerns were your objection, then why did you so vocally condemn it as a sexual act?

just couldn't understand why you was ok with Ritual that has kill a new born babies
and so much against 13 girls having sex, didn't really make sense to me

both are wrong but one is really bad and you think its ok

maybe now you get my point