Volunteer fire departments have no need of money? They purchase their equipment from their own wallets?
If the "robber" takes your cash, it is likely he leaves you with nothing, furthermore, if he takes your cash he does not offer you anything in return, Government offers you a great deal.
You seem to be asking for life without government, without a central organization that makes the will of the people known. You can go experience such things in lawless lands. It is up to us all to guarantee that our government has the smallest footprint on our individual that it can but that usually takes participation.
Again, I entreat you to try living in a place where there is no government and then return to tell us how wonderful it is to spend an appreciable amount of time ensuring that your food and water are clean, that any interaction you have with others is just, that your transportation is safe and that your love ones are taken care of should anything happen to you. You derive a great deal of "worth" I marvel at those who are unable to perceive what is all around them, the support structures and guarantees provided those people silently, quietly while they go about their business.