Wait, what? Is your friend going to snitch on you or are you going to turn yourself in. I don't understand how you'd go to jail for throwing down on a sack.
Section 11301: Commercial Regulations and Controls
retail sale of not more than one ounce per transaction,
in licensed premises, to persons 21 years or older, for personal consumption and not for resale;
whether or not I'd get caught is a separate issue entirely. This is from the section dealing with commercial regulations...that would be the sale of marijuana. It clearly states that any lawful sale of marijuana must take place at some sort of licensed store front.
Huh? I'm not sure I get this metaphor. Is the government Caesar and you're stash is Alexandria?
It has to do with taxes. It's over your head. Why are you so ready to put the weight of sacramento's poor budgeting on your back?
It's called that because they did polling and control and tax cannabis gave them the best chance of it passing. When called legalization of marijuana, it gets less than 50% of the vote. It's just marketing. No need for a tinfoil hat to protect you from the black helicopters.
You have missed my point entirely. Cities and counties already tax cannabis. Most of the cities around where I live have marijuana related offenses at the bottom of their priority list. What would I gain from this law? The medical model has demonstrated that it works. Why not just expand the rights that patients have to the general population? I don't see a necessity to create so many new regulations.
Prop 19 has nothing to do with medical cannabis. Prop 19 is about recreational use.
Refer to my previous statement. Expand the medical model.
You sell pot at schools or what?
Yeah, actually...when I was in high school. Again, you're missing my point.
Only if they can prove you knew they were under 21.
No, it would be illegal to sell to them in the first place without a license. I doubt that would hold water in court. If a kid asks you for a beer, should you check his license first? yes, according to the law. Ignorance does not exempt you from the law.
That's false. 3-7 years is if you get busted for selling to someone under 14. No where in prop 19 does it say that if you smoke in front of a minor you can get 7 years.
No, 6 months 18-21. 3,4, or 5 years for 14+ and 3,5 or 7 for 14 and below. My mistake about smoking in front of minors. There is no language that I've found in 19 that addresses punishment for that. Only that it is...FORBIDDEN.
My authority to party, bra