If this is the NEW rollitup, I'm done with this place

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Well-Known Member
I dunno what the site owner is thinking but if this is supposed to be a makeover / upgrade, I'll never patronize this ugly POS site again. Apparently the owner / mods have never heard the term " if it ain't broke don't fix it"...fucking idiots
Is this a threat? As if this place would crumble without jonny. Go open an account at GC broski!
I dunno what the site owner is thinking but if this is supposed to be a makeover / upgrade, I'll never patronize this ugly POS site again. Apparently the owner / mods have never heard the term " if it ain't broke don't fix it"...fucking idiots
Love how you call the folks running the place "fucking idiots". Get a clue (it was broke) and don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way OUT!
I guess it depends on what you mean with 'it'. The truth is there is no new security hole in vBulletin and Xenforo is just another vBulletin clone. I warned them about continuing to use vBSEO as this incident was inevitable and suggested a replacement as you can read here:
https://www.rollitup.org/t/while-yo...e-button-2-things.792661/page-2#post-10386672 Not that I expect that asshat global mod to take it seriously... too busy trying to make things personal.

RIU is slandering vBulletin (hard working honest people) while really it's admin-error. Switching to Xenforo doesn't make 'the site' any more secure or better in anyway. Only different, it gets less attacked by hackers because it's less popular. Relying on that to lead to more security is as incompetent as using expired software.

It's funny how easy so many sheople swallow the BS.
I guess it depends on what you mean with 'it'. The truth is there is no new security hole in vBulletin and Xenforo is just another vBulletin clone. I warned them about continuing to use vBSEO as this incident was inevitable and suggested a replacement as you can read here:
https://www.rollitup.org/t/while-yo...e-button-2-things.792661/page-2#post-10386672 Not that I expect that asshat global mod to take it seriously... too busy trying to make things personal.

RIU is slandering vBulletin (hard working honest people) while really it's admin-error. Switching to Xenforo doesn't make 'the site' any more secure or better in anyway. Only different, it gets less attacked by hackers because it's less popular. Relying on that to lead to more security is as incompetent as using expired software.

It's funny how easy so many sheople swallow the BS.
Me thinks another 'I told you so" is coming in the future.lol
I dunno what the site owner is thinking but if this is supposed to be a makeover / upgrade, I'll never patronize this ugly POS site again. Apparently the owner / mods have never heard the term " if it ain't broke don't fix it"...fucking idiots

The site was broken, sorry to see you leave.

I guess it depends on what you mean with 'it'. The truth is there is no new security hole in vBulletin and Xenforo is just another vBulletin clone. I warned them about continuing to use vBSEO as this incident was inevitable and suggested a replacement as you can read here:
https://www.rollitup.org/t/while-yo...e-button-2-things.792661/page-2#post-10386672 Not that I expect that asshat global mod to take it seriously... too busy trying to make things personal.

RIU is slandering vBulletin (hard working honest people) while really it's admin-error. Switching to Xenforo doesn't make 'the site' any more secure or better in anyway. Only different, it gets less attacked by hackers because it's less popular. Relying on that to lead to more security is as incompetent as using expired software.

It's funny how easy so many sheople swallow the BS.
It was not vbulletin that was the main problem if you guy's were to read the sticky in support. It was a combination of vBulletin and VBseo, so we made the decision to leave vBulletin since all URLS would have had to been re-indexed either way. We wanted a scalable platform that we could use for the future of the site. vBulletin 5 still has code in it from VB3 their select statements are ridiculous.

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