If Trump wins legitimately will you accept the victory?

Maybe because its a system where the person with the most votes doesn't win.
Amd you are aware of the ourpose of the electoral college, correct?

if it were the popular vote, only major populous states would be campaigned towards. Whoch means platforms and policies would correlate to the needs of NY, CA, Texas, Illinois.....smaller states would be irrelevant, ignored and their citizens wouldnt have a voice in government.

i agree with you that the popular vote should be the metric. But practically it has a lot of downsides.

besides, it is shortsighted to complain about the electoral college because trump won. Those were the rules. Change the rules and both candidates would change their strategies. What took place with popular vote has no bearing on what would have happened of the rules were changed retroactively. Ie. The bengals would of won yesterday if field goals were worth 7pts. Well thats not the rules, if they were both sides would alter course.

while highly unlikely, i hope this post may instigate you to research what you are talking about vs knee jerk uminformed reactions
Biden was just in the white house so what is there to look forward to...Im ready to pull my entire 401k out the moment biden wins...Im a have a lot of play money for sure, maybe get one of them giant gas guzzling trucks I dont need
No gasoline required.......

Amd you are aware of the ourpose of the electoral college, correct?

if it were the popular vote, only major populous states would be campaigned towards. Whoch means platforms and policies would correlate to the needs of NY, CA, Texas, Illinois.....smaller states would be irrelevant, ignored and their citizens wouldnt have a voice in government.

i agree with you that the popular vote should be the metric. But practically it has a lot of downsides.

besides, it is shortsighted to complain about the electoral college because trump won. Those were the rules. Change the rules and both candidates would change their strategies. What took place with popular vote has no bearing on what would have happened of the rules were changed retroactively. Ie. The bengals would of won yesterday if field goals were worth 7pts. Well thats not the rules, if they were both sides would alter course.

while highly unlikely, i hope this post may instigate you to research what you are talking about vs knee jerk uminformed reactions
When the democrats win the senate and white house today they can do all sorts of things to correct some of the damage the republicans have inflicted on America. Lock trump up, pack the courts, make DC & Puerto Rico states and get rid of the electoral college. Things are looking Blue for republicans...
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Thats the best part, thanks for pointing it out.
its uptown minneapolis, i live a few blocks from lake calhoun, avg homeprice on my block is $500k

This slob brought WT sensibility UPTOWN, damn lake calhoun!
master of the obvious. Underrated skill

Hold up "uptown" bro. "checkmate" ? Lol, no wonder you're shitting yourself. That's not how it works stooge. Did you learn chess at Uncle Bull daddy's homeschool?
Amd you are aware of the ourpose of the electoral college, correct?

if it were the popular vote, only major populous states would be campaigned towards. Whoch means platforms and policies would correlate to the needs of NY, CA, Texas, Illinois.....smaller states would be irrelevant, ignored and their citizens wouldnt have a voice in government.

i agree with you that the popular vote should be the metric. But practically it has a lot of downsides.

besides, it is shortsighted to complain about the electoral college because trump won. Those were the rules. Change the rules and both candidates would change their strategies. What took place with popular vote has no bearing on what would have happened of the rules were changed retroactively. Ie. The bengals would of won yesterday if field goals were worth 7pts. Well thats not the rules, if they were both sides would alter course.

while highly unlikely, i hope this post may instigate you to research what you are talking about vs knee jerk uminformed reactions

In your mind an imbecile's watery word shit instigates uminformed reactions? Scram jackass your blabbering is feeble, whining fear.
In your mind an imbecile's watery word shit instigates uminformed reactions? Scram jackass your blabbering is feeble, whining fear.
My fear is what i thought(perhaps unfairly or wrongly) was an uninformed individual acting on bs info.

if you are informed, then explain why the popular vote would be better in light of the cons to the method
so funny all those sweet money years with an Obama administration and somehow Trumpy was broke during..so broke that he only paid $750, the last two years because he made no money anywhere.

all is not lost though..he will earn his presidential salary for the rest of his life.
Yes, the $1 a year he elected to earn will go a long way
My fear is what i thought(perhaps unfairly or wrongly) was an uninformed individual acting on bs info.

if you are informed, then explain why the popular vote would be better in light of the cons to the method
Zero interest in humoring your imbecile musings