If we could make man/animal hybrids...


Ursus marijanus
What about the sci fi stand by of uploading our persons into a computer data base. then find a new place and download ourselves into indeginous species
If we make it into the pure clean world of lightspeed ... why the (bad word) would we want to download into MEAT stuck at the bottom of a hole? cn


Well-Known Member
Hey, Hep. Do me a favor and read my post #55, do you think any of my suggestions could help with the overpopulation issue? I'm looking to poke holes in it...
Oh sorry. I totally forgot about your point. :bigjoint:

We still HAVE to die. If we were eternal, I'm sure you would see the problem that would arise quickly. About 150,000 deaths occur each day and those deaths are essential. Within a couple of decades we would definitely reach serious overpopulation.

IDK.. I'm really REALLY high right now and I'm not sure if I'm making any sense ha. Parnoia PARANOIA.. It's my new song, do you like it? It helps keep my mind off the moving shadows in my peripherals. :eyesmoke:

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I think expanding human life expectancy would be pretty damn awesome, there are actually a few pretty smart experiments in the works working on that very subject. Living 500, 700, 5,000 years.. that would be awesome, and I don't see why that wouldn't be possible (probably not possible in our lifetime as there are a lot of stupid things we'd need to overcome before we could begin actual works on things like that)... I mean, just keep swapping out organs as needed, if we somehow came up with a way to clone organs or create organs that didn't get rejected by our tissue, and if we could keep our brains in tact, why couldn't we live longer lives? I'm sure the fanatics would say it's 'against God's will!'... like usual... but if we could do it...?

Each smart person lives on, continues learning... You'd think there would be a social stigma to respect those that are beyond such an age, an age of what would be considered normal mortality... I mean, think about it, if you came across a person today who was 230... 460...708... 4,400 years old!? Dude! You would cower in their presence as they'd be so goddamn smart beyond smart worth every second you spend with them! The older the more respected, established.

I kinda disagree cause age doesn't bring intelligence or even really wisdom...


Ursus marijanus
I kinda disagree cause age doesn't bring intelligence or even really wisdom...
If extreme age were available, but without the necessary fixes to our nervous system, could you imagine the grumpy forgetful confused children we'd have on our hands? Welcome to Nursingworld. cn


Well-Known Member
My Sister in law worked in a genetics lab in Iceland and they were making mice that grew human ears on their backs...Now I am not sure of the importance of -human ear backed mice, but she seemed pretty excited about it.


Well-Known Member
I giggle when people say Humans, animals, ......Uhh, we are animals. As for limits, they will be set by politicians for a while. We already have the technology to kill cancerous cells and extend human life. The reason why we have to die early has been stated. The earth can only support half its population as it is. Personally, I would want gills. Every intelligent animal not on land, is in the ocean. At least I'd have intelligent conversations. Although, shitting on Lamborghini's and other gaudy vehicles might pass the time just as quickly....


Well-Known Member
They cheated, and used an ear-shaped mold. cn

Well, I don't know if that constitutes 'cheating'. As I understand it, there are two ways they are going about creating human body parts this way: one is by injecting human cells into 'bio-rubber' to be used as an artificial scaffolding (as done with the mice), and the other method is to strip the cells off of a human organ to reveal the natural amino acid scaffolding underneath, then injecting human cells into that to build the structure. In either case, the transplants have worked and the patients haven't rejected the parts as their bodies sense them as their own...


Ursus marijanus
Well, I don't know if that constitutes 'cheating'. As I understand it, there are two ways they are going about creating human body parts this way: one is by injecting human cells into 'bio-rubber' to be used as an artificial scaffolding (as done with the mice), and the other method is to strip the cells off of a human organ to reveal the natural amino acid scaffolding underneath, then injecting human cells into that to build the structure. In either case, the transplants have worked and the patients haven't rejected the parts as their bodies sense them as their own...
True. But I was being strict and to me "growing an ear" has morphogenesis built into the term. I don't insist. cn